Looking to change from Thiel 7's

I am going to get rid of the Thiels. I am not very happy with them. I have had to have the 7'2 rebuilt twice and the same with the 3.6's. I am running Classe Omega amps and pre amps with Cardas cables. I would like reccomendations on a good speaker that can handle the Omegas. I do like to turn it up at times ans am looking for something that still has the sound quality but also can take a beating from the Omega's.
Thanks for any thoughts.
My friend used to use the Thiel 7.2s as well.
When he wanted a better speaker, he upgraded to the Avalon Eidolons.
He too likes to listen at loud levels.
He listens mostly to classical, so he really pushes these hard, and has never had them serviced.
(He is the second owner as well, so they appear to be built to a very high standard.)

His past amps have included the Classe CA-401 (His solid state reference amp), the VTL MB-450s, and the Rowland 501s, all of which were very high powered.
(He has since settled on the Lamm M2.2s, as having the best sound of the bunch, and I agree. Interestingly, they are the lowest powered of all the ones listed, and yet they drive this speakers quite well, and the bass is controlled with an iron fist.)

My two cents worth.
Legacy Focus 20/20, my dad uses them with 500 watts of Classe power per channel,,,, very nice and can really pump SPL's!
Look for speakers with Dynaudio drivers, they have high power handling and can take >1000 watt of short term dynamic, even on a 1" tweeter! I won't get into their sound quality as everyone has their preferences.

Without knowing your budget, I will say Dynaudio Contour or Confidence can be a good starting point.
I would find the largest, baddest disco speakers available-I would start with Cerwin-Vega and also look at Bose, just to be sure...