Dynaydio Temptation owners - what's you setup?

Hello guys,

I have a Dynaudio Contour Special 25 and LOVE it! I am thinking of upgrading to the next level, S5.4, C2, or Temptation. I am wondering if I go all the way to the top, the Temptation, I might have to upgrade my whole system around it. This is imporatant to me to evaluation the WHOLE cost of the set up once I bring in the Temptation.

I am very much like to know from all you Dynaudio Temptation owners -- what upstream system you have, i.e., power amp, pre-amp (if any), CD/DVD ( sorry I don't have any vinyles), etc.
Boulder 2060 stereo amp, ARC Ref3 pramp, Esoteric X01 limited CD player. All run through Nordost Valhalla cabling. I also have a heavily treated dedicated room.

David Shapiro
I have heard the C2 and the Temptation. Both wonderful products. So is the Special 25, which I own. Before even considering upgrading speakers you should look at upgrading your source and amplification of your Special 25's. Though they may sound nice, you are only getting a fraction of what they are capable of with your current system. I don't think the power of amplification is nearly as important as quality, and I am of the source importance school of thought as well. I would look at shopping for electronics first, listen to the 25's as they develope and keep a mind to upgrade of speakers. I use the Belles Ref150A power amp with that in mind as I may go to the C2 in a few years and will then set them up as mono amps.

If your looking for better sound, I don't think that your speakers are the weak link. David.
I didn’t have the Temptations, but did have the C2s in my systems for about three years with the Mark Levinson 432 Amp and BAT 51se Pre amp with a VPI Super Scout Master / Titan cartridge and BAT VK-P10se phone amp. It did make great music. This combo made the C2s ready dance. I would love to heard your system Deshapiro it sounds like a winner.
Spectral DMA 360 monoblocks; Spectral DMC 30 SL preamp; Linn CD-12; Magnum Dynalab MD 102 tuner; PS Audio P500; All cable is current MIT reference and the room has dedicated 20 amp shielded power. With this set up I have listened to many high end speakers and IMHO the Temptations are the best I have heard and mine are piano black which makes the visually georgous as well.