I happen use triodes now in my amplification but I have no fanaticism about that topology. With 101db/w/m effciency in my speakers, my big 845 triode power goes pretty far. But it's not all I'm willing to listen to. I also love, for instance, McIntosh MC1201 monoblock SS autoformer amps with 1200 watts each, might even buy a pair.
Would my current system expanded to 20.2 be better? You may have missed a key point of my prior posts. The answer is, "Not likely." Why? Because there would be many more drivers and nothing at all can be *perfectly* matched. There'd be software processing attempting to ham-handedly simulate much more complex wave behavior than the processor and speaker array would be up to. And there'd be too much gear for a domestic environment, to boot. Point is, all those extra drivers reduce TONE and clarity. The software behind the processing is highly imperfect about allocating the systems array of signals. Not to mention that scaling up my 2C system to 20.2 would *dramatically* boost its cost.
I'd be open to expand beyond 2C if I had reason to. However, it doesn't stand to reason that multipying everything I have simply makes it all more so. I could certainly generate more acoustic power, but more subtlety and tone? There's the doubt.