When you admit to not being able to setup your surround system properly nor having it work for months, it is a bit disingenuous to blame surround sound for this issue.
I think you are reffering to the problems I had with a MSB modified PAV. It was junk, well actually MSB made it junk. It wasn't that I don't know how to set up a system, MSB f#@*ed up my PAV. Setting up surround is much easier than setting up a turntable.
I also owned a Classe SSP-30 and a Anthem AVM-20, both stock, they worked fine for SSP, but when I put a Classe CP-60 stereo preamp in my system it was all over. No SSP came close to the tonal harmonic structure. I gave up on SSP's for music and went back to two channel. I've since heard other surround systems at friend's home's and audio salon's, nothing that makes me want to listen though.
I'm sure that no one knows how to properly set up a surround system but you though, so these would all be invalid. You should go into business for yourself. I'm sure all of us idiots would throw out our multi-kilo turntables and seperates and gladly hand you $10K+ to show us how music really sounds. ;^`
FWIW, most folks are stunned when they hear my system also. They think Bose and surround sound is what music is all about.
So folks like your system, folks like my system, and there we have today's update.