WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value

wilson ad; absolute sound;issue 162. page 12.... dave wilson states in his ad that wilson loudspeakers have one of the [ lowest ] profit margins in the industry. My question is should wilson make public their profit margin percentage's to back up their claims or is this more hyperbole from a high-end audio manufacturer...

this should answer some questions
Re: Holeneck. What a pile of bullshit. Regardless of who is the subject of this so called doccumentary (it could be any of two dozen or more manufacturers) but all we have here is simply a bunch of clueless cheerleaders.
Dave Wilson is in my opinon an innovator in high end (remember the original Watt?) and many love his products and many don't care for his products. But this is a very sad display. It is to me a whoring out of one's self in the name of sales and is truly pathetic. Sure do what you can to sell your product but this is ridiculous. Again this is no commentary on the sound of Wilson Speakers. But this was really a waste of my time.
Daves' problem is not price gouging per se. His problem is there are companies who can do it in a smaller box for less. He thumbed his nose at audiophiles not really caring about us. Now of course the chickens have come home to roost. The market is shrinking and the competiton is growing. My local dealer sold Wilson's strickly on reputation. He threw his best products at Wilson. Yet the room was always dark. No one was listening.
I resent any notion that we have to support the industry. Dave is running a business. It's his job to bring to market a product that people want and can afford. If he can't do that he will go out of business. What is amazing to me is how certain reviewer's seem to bend over backwards to promote Wilson. The real problem for Dave is most of us can put together a world class system for $60k.
Proof of YMMV: my Audience cables sound dynamic, uncompressed and completely wonderful throughout the spectrum.

I'll estimate that the Wilson demo I heard recently had about $200k worth of top everything (in a good room)... and I didn't feel my home system was really far behind. In fact, I wasn't envious.

Funny hobby, huh?

Bob Wood
The new Watt/Puppy 8, look very interesting.. I have seen they supposedly have corrected a lot with this speaker, whatever that means.

However, in my experience I heard a Pair of some Grand slamms in 2000' so not sure what version they were up to at that point. They were in a room I would say was about 20 ft X 25 ft, decent room treatments on display. I don't remember the front end equipment, however I do remember the the VTL Tube mono blocks hooked to them, which were 30,000 a pair or something, and I think the speakers were over 60,000.

The sound? Gotta be honest I walked behind the speaker to see if something was wired wrong(out of phase) or off all together. Well they were hooked up just fine, sound was very seperated, very boring. These were trade in's used I believe.

What was funny is then I went into the new area, and they had avantgarde Duo's hooked up to a 40 watt intergrated amp that cost about 700.00, the sound blew the doors off the wilsons? We mentioned this to the sale's guy, his response was " Yeah, we gotta get those out of here soon or we won't get rid of those wilsons on trade. "

So back to the original post from my limited experience, would I pay for the Value of the wilson at that point, probably not. But some will, and what would it come to if we did not have Wilson speakers in some of the Mansions around the world? But maybe the mistake was hooking VTL up to them, from my research, Audio Research gear is suppose to be the best with wilson.