Yes, I did sell my VAC PA 35/35, and it was kind of interesting, especially with all those special tubes to play with. That said, when I first plugged in the 160i, the dynamics, power and extension blew me away, not to mention how much bigger the soundstage got. The PA 35/35 had a sweet little midrange, which the 160i can't quite match, but the 160i won on all other counts. I sold the PA 35/35 to a local fellow who loves it. It's 35 wpc was much more power than his smaller Shindo amp delivered. He is in a smaller room with more efficient speakers too, so the PA 35/35 works better for him than it did for me.
@Wig, I really thought you had a great rig. I was speaker hunting lately, and thought long and hard about those AZ Crescendo's, but in the end decided they would probably be too much speaker for me. I thought they would mate nicely with the 160i though. I wound up buying a pair of Reference 3A Grand Veenas, which I am very happy with.