Best monitor under 5k?

I am looking for some opinions on what monitor speakers under $5000 give the most bang for the buck. I may have to move into a smaller apartment and am looking for something that would work in a smaller environment.
I have just gone thorugh this search and bought the Callistos new, full retail price direct from Roy (no dealers here and he is only 2 hours from my house). I doubt that you will find any used, but there are "wanted" ads. They seem like a steal at $2900.

I did not restrict myself to monitors. The callistos can compete with many floorstanders for fuul-range sound. They sound great with a very wide range of music. Neutral with pace, but smooth.

Sold my old Vandies and selling the Tylers I tried out. Both very nice speakers, but the Callistos kill them both for my tastes. If you prefer extra warmth, the Tylers might fit.

They really need 200 hours of solid break-in.

Pay attention to ports for a smsll area. Rear ported speakers seem to require more space behind them. The callistos are bottom-ported.
Jerrym303: Sold my old Vandies and selling the Tylers I tried out.

Which precise models were those, the vandies as well as Tylers? Congratulations on finding what works best for you.
If you are dead set on a monitor, you should seek out a used pair of Proac Tablette 50 Signatures. If you are lucky enough to find a pair for sale, you should be able to pick up a pair on audiogon for $1300 to $1500, depending on their finish. They are excellent monitors, and usually disappear the day they are listed unless they are listed at too high of a price or one of the unpopular finishes.

I own Ayre equipment (Ayre AX-7e and CX-7e) and have used these monitors very successfully in a small as well as moderate room. Currently, I am driving a pair of Proac Response D15s with the Ayre AX-7e...this has proved to be a sweet combination. However, I have my Proac Tablette 50 Sigs carefully stored and can not envision selling them in the near future. That's how good they don't want to part with them even when they are not being used!

Good luck!
Vandersteens were 2Cs now with a new happy owner. Selling Tyler Linbrook Signature Monitors I bought just for comparison purposes.

I do own a pair of Tyler Taylo Reference Monitors which I use with a second TV system. They are tremendous for that purpose and I will probably have them for 20 years. The equipment and speakers are in a built-in cabinet area (open) of about 6 feet wide by 5 feet tall and 20" deep. The enclosed area boosts the perceived bass ouput of the Taylos just enough and voices are very clear.