Tyler Acoustics Linbrook/Super Mini Monitors

I'm a huge fan of ty's products and of ty himself. In fact, I've even visited his owensboro facility (last year). I have a pair of linbrook monitors from ty as well as 1)a custom home theatre setup based on 3 linbrooks (2 semi-mounted into the wall) and 2 taylo's (both partially-mounted in the wall); 2)2 pairs of custom mini-monitors for my kitchen and bedroom (I think these were the proto-types for his linbrook super-mini's). The linbrooks are a wonderful speaker: deep, rich bass, clear, detailed highs with no evidence of sibilance, and full mid's. the soundstaging is excellent and the quality is terrific. Of course, I wouldn't have a houseful of this stuff if I didn't think that! I've listened to lots of speakers, and not only is ty's product a terrific value, but it outperforms everything I've heard at up to 3x the price. I have the monitors set up in my den: 9x12, on ty's superb stands, using an audio refinement complete alpha integrated. My sources are (1) a bolder (highly) modded squeezebox 2, and (2)vintage thorens td125 mkII turntable through an aes/cary ph-1 phono stage. The speakers do well with all kinds of music (one of my pre-requisites, as I listen to just about everything): clear and present enough for all types of acoustic jazz, punchy enough for rock, delicate enough for intimate chamber recordings, and robust enough for full orchestral settings. In my home theater setup, they are powered by an arcam avr300, and perform wonderfully. The little mini-monitors have super sound for their size and ty even manages to squeeze out pretty creditable bass performance from these boxes. His ported designs do not sound boomy or diffused - I listen to a fair amount of acoustic jazz bass, and it's spot on. As importantly, you'll be working with one of the real class acts in this business. My home theatre setup was a total custom/from scratch design by ty, and he was wonderful to work with - great ideas, great listener, great execution. Pictures available on request!
Rsabia, can you give us more details on the models you have and a short review on each. I believe your Taylo's are a 2 way with a Seas 7 and a Scanspeak tweeter, yes? Now you also have the mini-monitor called the Linbrook has a 5 inch seas and a Scanspeak tweeter. Is this correct? Short review on each.
Not sure why other Tyler owners are afraid to speak up about their speakers. No one is going to criticize your own personal opinion. But please be more specific than many other posts I read on other speakers. Its difficult to grasp just how the sound is from some vague, unspecific over emotional one line comments,. Go ahead into details. Sure I agree describing the sound by the written word is near impossible, but we should try to do the best, and leave the rest up to the imagination of the reader.
So Tyler owners, this is your thread. A place where the questioner is free to probe further into this little known speaker design.
I need to know about the Tyler 3 way called Systems 2. The speaker has a 8 inch, 7 inch midwoofer and the T25 Millinium .
Anyone give me a review?
I think that sometimes people can get *over-emotional* about their speakers... as we have seen in a recent thread. If you want my opinion on the sound of Tylers, feel free to check out my review on AudioAsylum.com under the Linbrook Signature System (mine is the two piece version of the I) -- I really don't want to re-write the same thing. Bottom line is the System II sounds similar to the System "I" which I absolutely love, but provides about 90% of the performace (and costs less, of course). It does not get as low, sounds a bit less dynamic, and is missing a hair on the midrange/mid-bass presentation in comparison. It is a great speaker that I enjoyed when I heard it.

Dave I'll head on over to AA right now, hope to locate your review. Now for clarification (I do not like how Ty has his speaker models labeled, I find it very confusing to recall all the models),
LINBROOK SIG SYSTEM has 2 'versions" the first , earlier model released by Ty is a 2 piece, that is a stack, MTM sits atop the "dual bass module", which houese 2 8 inch.That would be version ONE, correct?
Now the SIG SYSTEM TWO is the later model, all in one piece, yes? Just to make sure we are on the same page.
I'm interested in the Ty;s SYSTEM TOW. Its a 3 way. So you see how things can get confusing.
SIG SYS model 1, model 2. then SYSTEMs 2.
I alos paln to pick up a a copy of Audio Review to ck out the review of the SYSTEMS 2.
Will report back.