Biwired-Dunlavy V- Bass reduced why?

I got these new cables (one each hi and low pass) that hooked up to my Dunlavy V 's for the very first time. While mid and highs are improved few nothces, bass qty (actually quality at first impession is quite good) reduced dramatically.

Could you expalin Why? Do need Jumpers also?


Are you sure you didn't reverse the polarity on one of the woofers or the wires are mislabeled? Reverse the leads to one woofer and see if you get more bass.

Maybe you had too much bass before and now it is the correct level?
Thanks Nuguy. It definitely the new speakers cables/biwiring scheme since it is consistent with all sources. And these are the latest try out. No tone controls :)

Would it be detrimental if I ADD jumpers WITH Biwires? How does biwire work?

I will try switching, but so far connections looks good.

Herman, I just measured test tones and it reveals that there is big DIP at 50-63 hz of appx 4-6 db! while rest of the bass within 2 db al the way down to 25 hz. On the other hand I had 4-5db peak thru all the bass freq thru 100 hz. (1000 hz as reference) . Now it is pretty much good balance except that dip and may be dip here and there at upper mids, but not to worry.

Strange thing is this cable are same make as all the ICs I changed out. My listening tells me that these cables gets me that elusive high end sound (life like mid bass, deep low bass when present in recording, musical mids and just enough highs not to sound like hifi) except the bass dip. So may be it is not the cables themselves but BIWIRING. May be I will try same make single wire with jumpers to get simialr sound without the dip.

Should I try jumpes in conjuction with biwire or would it blow something? Sorry, When I am desperate I talk stupid when it comes to audio!!
hmmm ... new cables typically need some time to break in.
Play them for a month - I've had two different pair of new speaker cables which both changed significantly during breakin. They'll probably 'come & go' for awhile before finally setting in.
Hi Bob, That kind of does makes sense now I think back. These cables have may be 20- 30 hrs burn time on them. At first hook up it was other way around, bass was predominant and highs were rolled off. Now mids and high seems to have settled but bass has a little kink...

May be I will burn them more...

You definitely do not want to use jumpers when you bi-wire. Speakers that are designed to be bi-wired sound much better when you run them that way. With speakers that just have a second set of terminals, it makes little or no difference. The Dunlavys were designed to be bi-wired. One of the benefits is that bi-wiring bypasses certain components in the crossover, which increases transparency and might also improve dynamics. In any case, don't use jumpers.