Speaker recomendations please

Hi there, I've been looking to replace my existing speakers but I'm having a terrible time finding what I want. I have a complete Myryad system,MCD200 cdp, MP100 pre-amp and the MA240 power-amp at 120 watts/ch at 8 ohms. I'm looking for a full range speaker with good weight at the bottom end, Music preference is Jazz and Alternative Rock with some Electronica. Budget is approx. $1500-2000.
Any suggestions ?
I've recently discovered an amazing young company that is changing the rules of the game in this category, and raising the bar. Check out Zu. As in Zu Cable. I just replaced my Linn Aktiv Kaber system with Zu Druid Mk4's (powered by Nuforce, yet another amazing new-ish company), and they blow away anything I've heard in 20 years. And the Druids are perfectly in your price range. Can't say enough about them.
Linnfan: Thanks for bringing Zu to our attention. Never heard of those in this forum. :)