Speakers Like Merlin VSM?

I once owned a pair of VSM-M's and regretably sold them. At the time I owned them I spent a good amount on my system and although it wasn't perfect I was never let down by these speakers. Actually they are the best I have heard to date. I once heard my Merlins hooked up to a Berning ZH-270 and it knocked me out.

I'm not real sure I could amass a system like that again but I was wondering..... Who's the new Merlin? I may just have to save up and go for it.

The Merlins with the BAM are just awesome especially if your into vinyl. If any of you live in Texas or nearby there and want to sell your Merlins please send me an e-mail.

why are you & I getting into an offensive??????????
(the offensive is started BY YOU, A MANUFACTURER - REMEMBER THAT!, OK?)

>> and i am not worried what you think of my product
did you read my original post wherein I wrote that I liked the VSM-MM sound?
If not, read it again!!

>> i am a gentleman as everyone knows.
then, these series of posts are VERY MUCH not becoming of your gentlemanly behaviour!
My respect for you has dropped a notch. While you might not care whether it has or not, it certainly does say something about your inate/latent character.

Why in the world are you defending the ZH270 sound???? Vested interest? Personal agenda?

>> your comments on the 270 are unfortunate but non the
>> less they are your opinion.
My comments on the ZH270 are *not* unfortunate! They are as I heard it. If you can't deal w/ it then don't read my posts & don't bother to reply to them.
Audio forums are MEANT to discuss opinions on audio products & to share this info w/ others. That's one of the major reasons for participating in audio forums. Agree?

>> 07-21-06: Aktchi
>> I think this post is a good example of why dealers,
>> manufacturers, etc., should participate in such forums
>> only if they are able to deal with honest opinions w/o
>> getting personally offended. It is difficult to
>> exchange opinions and expereinces if people take it
>> personally and respond as such. Just my .02 of course.

well written, Aktchi! I fully agree!
If manufacturers begin to get personal about the gear they sell OR gear that others sell, they are going to stifle the audio forums wherein honest opinons will not be shared. That defeats the purpose of the having the audio forum & being subscribed to it!! Do the audio manufacturers want us to blindly buy what they make? Any non-positive comments made are taken personally & they start crying bloody murder!

thanks for the feedback & the level-headed post. It is much appreciated. you & I have discussed this in another thread.
Yes, neither do I want a p****g contest & I have no knowledge why Bobby P took the offensive route?

If Bobby P stops posting provking posts, I will agree to not post any further rebuttals in this thread.

The 1st post I made in this thread exactly addressed the question posed by the originator "Avivey", which was "speakers like Merlin VSM?".
It's Bobby P who drove this thread awry.
I really like manufacturer input on audio discussion forums and feel that they should be given exactly the same latitude of expression as regulars are given.
off the mark, bigtime!
i did not take it personally. why would i about someone else's product? i even told him that i do not care what he thinks about mine. if this man is lucky enough to live in a totally black and white world and deal with things as absolutes, then more power to him...i guess. i said in a later post "your comments on the 270 are unfortunate but none the less this is your opinion." but for most of us there is this thing called gray...and we would look for other issues that may have affected the sound.
so, what about credibility?
if someone has the right to say something about the performance of an item, i have every right to say my piece too. it does not matter if i am a manufacturer or not. if you knew how many superb manufacturers use that amp as a reference, you would see my point.
my reaction would be the same if this type of thing happened to many products i respect.

You are rationalizing, but no cigar. Statements like "I know the guy you visited", "By not liking my product you are being unfair to the host" and "I know what he thinks of *your* gear" do not constitute the kind of "information" we want or require from manufacturers.

It changes the atmosphere of a discussion group when a manufacturer is always around sounding offended and responding that way, worse yet if he is too involved to notice it and thinks he is being normal.

You are only human and I don't want or expect you to admit anything, but I do hope you will think about it and modify your behavior. However, the more you defend those statements the more immature you would appear. Let it go,