Speakers Like Merlin VSM?

I once owned a pair of VSM-M's and regretably sold them. At the time I owned them I spent a good amount on my system and although it wasn't perfect I was never let down by these speakers. Actually they are the best I have heard to date. I once heard my Merlins hooked up to a Berning ZH-270 and it knocked me out.

I'm not real sure I could amass a system like that again but I was wondering..... Who's the new Merlin? I may just have to save up and go for it.

The Merlins with the BAM are just awesome especially if your into vinyl. If any of you live in Texas or nearby there and want to sell your Merlins please send me an e-mail.
Wow. This is a first. I've never seen a manufacturer unshill. Very effective.
I am a fan of merlin products and have owned several versions. Aside from being pro merlin, bobby has provided me the BEST support of ANY company from which I have done business. He is very fair in his critiques and will openly admit when his product isn't right for somenone. That being said, WE ALL take offense when someone gives a poor critique of a product we are "close to." Read the forums on most speakers, amps, cdp and if it has enough time someone takes a comment personally for the above reason the race starts. So, don't hold bobby to a different standard than each of us. Give bobby a break, he is a great guy who has given countless hours of audio enjoyment to us via his speakers.
I second Jamesw20 on all levels.Though this thread is about sound,loyalty counts in the arena of satisfaction and thanks to Bobby,many of us are enjoying daily his brand of thinking,thanks,Bob
I believe Fiddler's comments hit the nail DIRECTLY on the head. There are WAY too many variables involved in our pursuit to allow for reliable black and white assessments MOST of the time.

I feel deeply for every manufacturer that has had their livelyhood affected by erroneous conclusions aired irresponsibly. I'm not saying that audiophiles shouldn't voice their impressions, I just feel that we need to do so in a highly sensitive and responsible manner.
"I've heard this exact combination (VSM-MM with the ZH-270) & I cannot say anything good about it!!
All I can say is that it had good sound but zero music."

Bombaywalla this comment is what elicited Bobby's response and mine as well. Read it once read it twice. You wrote the same thing before in another thread with similar responses from myself and others. The thing about "good sound" vs "zero music" is the thing that jumps right off the page. Your comments are not measured, they do not provide any further information or insight as to what may have been the problem with what you were hearing. What type of music, the room, the set-up etc.

"Zero music" read it Bombaywalla, what do you mean when you write this? It sounds like some audiophile way of offering the ultimate insult to get across your message that you didn't like the combo in no uncertain terms without any other considerations as to why. This aside from the fact that it still may not be your particular cup of tea. It is absolute in its context, there is no redemption possible, it is contrary to the experience of many others.

As far as immaturity goes, I think that maybe YOU might look at your own comments overall. It seems you relish being absolute in your assessments without offering a bit of insight which seems arrogant to me. My rebuttal to your comments are not to change your mind but to make others that are reading yours to realize that there are other perspectives with deeper experience with these products. One that knows that a system with either of these calipre components requires careful balancing to bring it all together. This was Bobby's point clearly. A highly resolving component matched with the wrong component can make things much worse in a given system than would be noticed in a more forgiving system. Fiddler's post points this out clearly. Things ARE NOT always as black and white as you have painted it.

So far as the GMA's go, I heard a pair years ago mated with VAC electronics and it was a very engaging system.