Aerial 10t vs. Aerial 9's

I am considering buying a pair of used aerial 10 t's. I have not heard them, but have heard and liked the 7b and the 9. How does the 10t compare to these in terms of sound?
Thamks for your responses. I think that I will get those Aerial 10t's. BTW, I have a musical fidelity a3.5 integrated amp and musical hall maverick sacd/cd player. Do you think that the a3.5 at 150 watts per channel will deliver enough current drive the aerial 10t's?
Your MF integrated will get you in the door. A good starting point. As you step up your amp, you will find better woofer control on the 10t's. I have found that both Classe and Levinson amps push my buttons with Aerials. The McIntosh 501 monos also do a nice job.

MF builds good stuff. I think you are off to a great start.
Please post again when you get the 10t's and let us know how your adventure is going.


Paul :-)
In response to the issue of amps, I have the 9's and started with one Classe CA-150 which was great. Then, I bought a used preamp on audiogon and spoke with the seller and he recommended two CA-150's to drive as monoblocks. I have two now and heartily recommend the increase in power. The entire range is improved with the mono's. I also have a preamp that is from CJ and the combo of tubes and solid state is an improvement to my tastes. Hope this helps. Steve
I recently added a Levinson 336 to my system and wow does it make my 10T's sing. They crave big power - and will reward you if you give it to them. :)

I've found that the Aerial 10T's work perfect with my Pass Labs X 250 Amplifier. You really cannot go wrong with these speakers. I have to agree with Beemer & Porchecab, how they really do a much better job, in the top end and bass area then the 9's!