Best speakers under $3K for tube amps,

Best picks.
Also i'd like to know if you have a 86db speaker and has 2 midwoofers/1 tweet. And another speaker with same drivers rated 86db but is a 2 way/single midwoofer/tweet. Will the load on the tube amp be the same? Or get a better response using the 2 way speaker, thinking that the amps current is divided up less. The Tubes being KT models.
chazzbo often has pretty good points, but man he is the typo! :)
"chazzbo often has pretty good points...." Yes his typos are bad, but as you say has more to say that many others with better spelling.
Still waiting on more high sensitivity suggestions.
I thought Scan speaks were, but they rate at 87 like their cousins the seas'.
Another interesting speaker may be Cabasse's top line, with the white foam cone drivers. Anyone know the specs/sound response?
A little known line in the USA, made in france.
I found the Cabasse Jersey better than the spendor 8 the other day. Spendor8/$3100, Jersey/$1100.
Horn designs are wayyyy to big to my taste. My Thors blend into any size room. Even in a small room their presence do not attack you.
I second Cabasse, I have Cabasse Catalane, retail price was around 6k but you can find them now and then for around 2k which is a steal by any standard...
I run them with 12 watts and passive preamp and they bring down the house with 94 db sensitivity....
A friend use to have B&W 905 small nautilus monitors and they are definitely way behind any cabasse I heard and they needed a lot of watts also.
JMLab is a good option also I think they have lower sensitivity, like 91 or 92 db though I never heard a JMlabs speaker I liked, but that is just me...
On my short list was also Merlin speakers, they are built for tubes supposedly though the sensitivity is lower, they have such good reviews it kinda makes me suspicious, I hear a lot of good things also about the owner Bobby Pavlovick (I think) but I emailed him and he never answered...
If you like classical music (Bartok) I would not go for a monitor, my take is they cannot resolve very complicated passages, IMHO.
My next speakers will be an Array, I never heard an array I didnt like, soundstage is amazing, sensitivity is way up there at 100 db depending on the model and design, and dynamics are great, If you biamp for bass I think it will give the best Horn system a run...
There are some kits around for Arrays, Zalitron I think has a couple....
All the Best