The Search

I realize many of you are still searching trying to find the best speaker for your music, one that fits your ideals and budget.
I've ended my search with Seas'.
Anyone else here feel they do not need to hear from the newest, latest designs?
Seems every so often a new speaker comes on the market and everyone wants to own a pr. due to the rave factor.
Do you feel like you are on a merry-go-round?
Lay off Bartok. I'm still trying to figure out the national debt, deficit, or whatever problems we have with free trade and no trade as they pertain to the KT-88 versus KT-90 tube using Seas drivers with a Jadis or Cayin amplifier because China is the wave of the future.

Somebody 'splain it to me.
How is Bartokfan's love letter to Seas any different than say Warrenh's posts about his current speaker or Mikelavigne's odyssey with his VSAs? If you can't be gushingly enthusiastic about something as inconsequential as loudspeaker choice, then what can you go over the top about. If it's a question of relative knowledge, then we're all somewhere on a learning curve and we shouldn't forget where we've come from.

Bartokfan, you would gain added credibility if you would post your system. Do you have one of the Seas kits, or one of Tyler's Seas based speakers?

I suspect its not about the gushing, or regurgitation, of the same opinions that bring folks down on BF. While that other poster gushes a fair share, and can be less than a pleasure to endure, there is much more going on with BF which I'm sure you would discover if you were to read all of his posts.

But you are right, there is a certain similarity in overall style. For the most part though, Warren only gushes about end products of which he has first hand knowledge and actually uses in his own system. BF is not so humble, by some margin, and most often talks about other product authoritively and dismissively, I'm sure to the dismay of owners of this product and to potential users who might take his comments seriously (Audiofeils concerns, at least as I interpert them from other posts on this subject). I think Warren mostly gushes about his beloved products as any evangelist might, whereas I think BF has an entirely different set of motivations which are based on personal needs.

Thats just my view for what little its worth. If everyone, including myself, could be as resonable and rational as yourself! :-)
I haven't read all of Bartokfan's musing and I was just wondering why he brings out such pointed responses from a number of different people. It's always hard to discern anyone's true agenda so I just take what people say at it's face value, or at least I try to, most of the time.
"Anyone else here feel they do not need to hear from the newest, latest designs?
Seems every so often a new speaker comes on the market and everyone wants to own a pr. due to the rave factor."

Speakers are being built against someones own's opinion,and feel that things are too good to be true. People are on certain agenda's thinking they are doing a service to the "mis-informed" however they are the actual mis-informed. Seas has a few good drivers out there, however for myself most of the magnesium and metal cone type designs had certain character I did not find appealing at times.. Same with carbon Fiber and Kevlar, I choose paper. I love horns for a very different reason as well. So what, lets Stop buying the Newest or re-marketed designs guys to make everyone happy and the audiophile rules of all danish Drive systems will fix this for us. We can all accept that Danish Audio drivers are the end all be all, Right? We can't discount the fact that Seas, Scan speak, Morel, Focal and Dynaudio drivers are in fact the most pleasing drivers ever concieved can we? I mean come on guys we can still buy them wholesale at several outlets and should take advantage of the 500 different designs they provide us in D'appolito tweeter out of phase setups, they are always that good I swear! Honestly all kidding aside I got very tired of my JM labs, and Dynaudios, and even the Proac's for something different, does not mean they were not good or great, but they were not the end of the line is all. Had to jump on this one as all these silly threads get hijacked anyway.