The Search

I realize many of you are still searching trying to find the best speaker for your music, one that fits your ideals and budget.
I've ended my search with Seas'.
Anyone else here feel they do not need to hear from the newest, latest designs?
Seems every so often a new speaker comes on the market and everyone wants to own a pr. due to the rave factor.
Do you feel like you are on a merry-go-round?
I haven't read all of Bartokfan's musing and I was just wondering why he brings out such pointed responses from a number of different people. It's always hard to discern anyone's true agenda so I just take what people say at it's face value, or at least I try to, most of the time.
"Anyone else here feel they do not need to hear from the newest, latest designs?
Seems every so often a new speaker comes on the market and everyone wants to own a pr. due to the rave factor."

Speakers are being built against someones own's opinion,and feel that things are too good to be true. People are on certain agenda's thinking they are doing a service to the "mis-informed" however they are the actual mis-informed. Seas has a few good drivers out there, however for myself most of the magnesium and metal cone type designs had certain character I did not find appealing at times.. Same with carbon Fiber and Kevlar, I choose paper. I love horns for a very different reason as well. So what, lets Stop buying the Newest or re-marketed designs guys to make everyone happy and the audiophile rules of all danish Drive systems will fix this for us. We can all accept that Danish Audio drivers are the end all be all, Right? We can't discount the fact that Seas, Scan speak, Morel, Focal and Dynaudio drivers are in fact the most pleasing drivers ever concieved can we? I mean come on guys we can still buy them wholesale at several outlets and should take advantage of the 500 different designs they provide us in D'appolito tweeter out of phase setups, they are always that good I swear! Honestly all kidding aside I got very tired of my JM labs, and Dynaudios, and even the Proac's for something different, does not mean they were not good or great, but they were not the end of the line is all. Had to jump on this one as all these silly threads get hijacked anyway.
Because i keep harping about the seas driver line called excel.
There is an interesting story on the development of these drivers, I know. But+Where i read it , can't recall. If seas printed the entire story which would go back 30+ yrs ago, you'd be amazed.
Folks get upset with me for my particualr belief that the french, one particular lab, make the finest tube amp and the danes, one particualr lab, the finest speaker.
Its a personal belief that is made more sure each time i hear a system.
Folks don't care for these type personal opinions because they cannot be substantiated, except by my own ears. Which they feel might very well be bias and distorted.
I was into audio back starting in 1973-1981, and then picked it back up in 1998.
I've heard about 20+ lines of speakers/amps in the last 8 yrs.
My first really good speaker was acquired back in 1982, a speaker called philips 2 ways, stocked with danish drivers.
Then I got a pr of B7W 602's, not any better than the Philips, just voiced differently.
When the Seas Thor arrived , all the weaknesses of the Philips and BW's were clearly revealed.
I have yet to hear a speaker that matches the qualities of the Excel driver. Sure a good paper cone with the copper magnet as in the top line Scan Speak may offer a softer tad deeper warmer bass, but how's the clarity of the voicing on the coil? The Excel is claer, distinct, the fainest distortion. Many have attested to the incredible dynamics and power to the Excel Millinium Tweeter.
This speaker has been around since mid 90's. I am only suggesting you consider giving the line a listen in your audio journey. I know its difficult to access listening to a pr,. Tyler Speakers has a link on his site with a few of his customers that are willing to let you listen in their home. Also i believe he allows a grace trial period. Sure my Thor xover is not designed by Tyler, and I'm making every attempt to obtain a pr. That may come early next yr, maybe later this yr.
Read Sally's review in Absolute Sound this month. pass by Barnes and Nobel pick up a copy. Its that model I will try for.
Also go to madisound and navigate around the Seas/Excel kit site , there is aElink of audioVpress , may, 2002 with a write up on story behind the Excel and the Thor.
Do your DD (due diligence)Part of which is to read that AudioEpress article, read Absolute Sounds review of Tyler's Systems2, and go to Tyler;s site see if there is a home audition near you. The closest one to me is north of Jackson Miss, and is too far at the moment.
Also anyone in the Baton rouge area is welcomed to hear the Thor.
i always make an effort to listen to the latest in dipole designs, although most are hybrid.

i'm curious to hear a current audiostatic.

Since many manufacturers use SEAS, the Thors kit must be extremely good and good value, as you remove one step in supply the chain. Ahh, but you completely lose all that marketing hype no full page adds and glowing reviews showing Bartokfan's prized Thors.

Being very familiar with the use of Green's functions(classical physics), I am puzzled when I read things like "Using a variation of the equations developed for advanced physics, called Green's functions -- the only math for working backwards from those molecular collisions at your ear to the speaker -- we then determine how the speaker must initiate the collisions"

My only retort to this kind of spiel is if you design from the molecular level why would you use another manufacturers driver?

Indeed Bartokfan has a point of view that deserves respect. If only to avoid us drowning in a sea of heavy marketing hype.