Subwoofer help: ACI, Von Schweikert, Martin Logan


I am once again looking for some assitance on choosing a sub that will be used primarily for 2 channel music but occasionally for movie watching. I am currently using Consonance Eric Grand speakers that I absolutely love but I know they cannot get the very bottom frequencies as they go down to 42hz.

They have very quick, tight, and focused bass response which I really enjoy. They are not bloated or boomy in any way. I am looking for a sub to really fill in the lowest frequencies.

I previously owned a Martin Logan Grotto and really enjoyed it but would like to spend less than its $1000 retail. The ML Grotto had a great deal of flexibility and fairly high WAF. I auditioned a Von Schweikert VRS1 in the past and think it does a lot of things very well. The new company I am considering is ACI and am looking at their Force XL and possibly the Titan XL. How do they stack up to the Von Schweikert and ML subs? Thanks for your help.
Bob, (you mean the built in high pass filter, don't you?) Anyway I run a 24' pair of SE Straightwire Maestros to my Depth, and it's as quiet as a chair. The Descent has XLRs, as I'm sure you know. I just happen to like the speed of the Depth.

From the Depth to my main power amp is only a meter, so that piece of IC wouldn't cost much more, if I wanted to do it that way, which I don't -- I have another 24' pair of Purist XLRs going to the main amp, since I run the CLSs full range anyway.

I thought Ken Kreisels article was interesting, especially the part about one sub for all bass being preferable in a control room environment. BTW, that nifty "MK" logo? Designed for them by yours truly about forty years ago!
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ACI makes extremely good subs. My ACI Titan meshed very well for music listening using my Taylo Reference Monitors when they were used as my mains. It has a lot of flexability and the ACI driver is quite good.

I confess I also am a fan of the ML subs too... I like both.

I am still researching my options and really appreciate all the help regarding the choices for my situation. I really don't know what would be the best way of connecting the sub as the last time I owned a sub I was using a big home theater receiver as my pre/pro. I am currently using the new Superphon Revelation III preamp which I love. It does have two sets of main outputs (rca). I hope to make a decision soon.
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