Musical Heaven, NOT Audio or Speaker heaven …

Well, I finally reached musical heaven, and I knew it from the 1st moment I punched the play button. All I can say is “Wow, wow, wow!”

In all my searching, listening, buying and selling of speakers, I was always comparing this and that characteristic (you know, soundstage, imaging, focus, coloration, all the buzz words). Every time I’d sit down those characteristics are what I ended up paying attention to. I would drift from listening to the music to listening to the speakers.

Every speaker I’ve listened to had a volume ‘sweetspot’. Louder it sounded too strained/forced. Softer, it lost its musical punch/involvement (the music became nothing more than background). Some speakers had a very narrow range, while others were more tolerant of volume. But it seems that all speakers suffered most at low volumes; losing their presentation of the music.

Last night, for the first time ever, I was able to close my eyes from the very 1st note and get totally caught up in the music itself. I never once gave the speakers a listen to. From 1st note until the last note it WAS music, no matter the volume. I am DONE with speakers until I croak. Evidence Temptation, you have seduced me. Time for a cigarette!


I bought a pair of Temptations a couple of months ago. I know what you mean.
Yeah, baby!

As Homer would say, "ummmmmh, T E M P T A T I O N S, aghhhh"

I bought Deshapiro's speakers. He ain't getting them back, that's for sure!