Low watt tube amps/pros/cons

300B's, 845's and others. What are some of the benifits of these tubes as well as the limitations. I see someone posted that he has a 15 watt tube amp and wants to get 30hz bass. It is highly unlikely that his amp will deliver as low as 30hz, even if he did find a speaker that went to that level, would the bass have any authority? Also by saying I want to find a speaker that goes to 30hz hows the mids anf highs. IOW I'd never buy any speaker based on the fact that it goes to 25hz, its a package deal.
Back to the main idea here. Can anyone give a list of +'s and the ='s of the low watt tube amps. For myself its not something I'm interested in as all my listenings are classical, and I want the orchestras to sound full rich, dynamic, that is the low and high end extended. I heard a 300B amp, the Cayin, and was incredible with light jazz, blues, but for classical orchestral it fell flat and lifeless. The speakers were the Silverline Sonatas.
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I'm curious. Why did you start this thread?

In your original post you state "Back to the main idea here. Can anyone give a list of +'s and the ='s of the low watt tube amps. For myself its not something I'm interested in as all my listenings are classical, and I want the orchestras to sound full rich, dynamic, that is the low and high end extended."

So, you state "For myself its not something I'm interested in", yet you consume the time and effort required to post the question.

So, what's up? Are you a troll or are you just bored? Enquiring minds need to know.......


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I don't know about you guys's but BF's mere existence as well as the state of his knowledge makes me feel good about myself, both personally and as an expert in things audio. Be thankful for small things! :-)