The under 10K speaker

I've been auditioning and reading for at least a year now, looking for a speaker I can live with blissfully for a long time. I tend to hang on to my equipment for maybe too long so I want to make the most informed decision on speakers. My current setup is a pair Classe CA100's in mono driving Def Tech's BP2000's(don't laugh). I sold my AR LS15, Classe Dac1 and Theta Jade. I'm running a music server (EAC ripped/FLAC encoded) through a Squeezebox3 direct to amps. I'm waiting for the Slim Devices "Transporter" and contemplating a pair of Mono Odyessy Extremes depending upon choice of speakers.

The best I've heard so far were the Wilson Sophias. I've auditioned B/W's all models, Revel's (Sound excellent), Paradigm's, Thiels, Von Schweikert (not the VR4 SR's), JM Labs Utopia, Sonus Fabar, Usher's and others.

I'm thinking about the Wilson Sophia's. I'm interested in the VR4 Jr, The Acoustic Zen Audiago's, Usher Dancer, Revel F52, Daudeulis? DA1 (can't spell them but people love them).

I wish for a full range speaker but adding a subwoofer isn't out of the question.
Hey, this can be fun..
I would go for the Avantgarde uno (used), with 10k you could get the duo even...You want detail and slam, thats the ticket.

If your room is big enough get the Genesis 201 (used).

I love array speakers, probably you can even scratch for the Pipedreams with 10k...

All else is not at the level IMHO.
FYI - although its a couple of years old, here's a review of the Focus FS-888 with comments comparing it to the Wilson Sophia:
I've been a Paradigm fan for years ... maybe because I live so close to Canada but mostly because I just like the way they sound. I'm running the S4's now on my main system with a pair of older but very sweet sounding Levinson amps setup in a bi-amp configuration pushed by a Modwright SWL 9.0 SE linestage. For input I run a Levinson 360S DAC tied to my PC (love FLAC) and to a Krell 20i running as my redbook transport. I run a sub but it's crossed very low and I keep the volume down. I have to say I am very happy BUT I have future mountains to climb. Your post caught my attention because in about a year I will be right where you are. My next step is to finally replace the Paradigms.

I have run through a few demo sets and the B&W Signature 800's caught my attention. They seem to be just out of $ range for me. I didn’t really feel the other B&W models that I could afford were as much of a leap from current setup. If I'm going to shell out $5-8 grand for new speakers (used) I will want a significant improvement.

My next demo will be Aerial Acoustics - I keep seeing posts raving about them. I have setup a demo in a few weeks.

If you haven’t already done so - checkout some of the recent posts (there is one regarding the VR4 Jr last week) I understand the person who founded the company came from ADS ... I know 3-4 old 70's hi-fi buffs who swear ADS made some of THE most fantastic sounding speakers of that era. Aerial seems to be the next step ... The 10T has a very loyal following from what I have been reading. The first thing I noticed is Aerial makes a hell of a nice cabinet. I figure at $10,000+ a speaker should be well made and look like $10K, as well as sound fantastic.

Anyone out there want to add two cents? I'd love some input here about Aerial Acoustics.

I want to thank you for the post - I will be reading it to see what people have to say. I intend to hang on to my next speaker set as long as the Paradigms. In fact I will still hang onto the S4's they will go into my office setup. I love the way they sound with tubes. The smaller S4 is fairly easy to drive and I'm not into real loud music much anymore.

Please post your thoughts when you are done ... I'd like to read about what you selected and how you think you did. I adding the Wilsons to the demo list.
I'd give the Aerial 9's a listen too - they are very very good.

Good luck with your search - you've listed several great speakers.
I recently undertook a similar excersize and heard many of the above. I went with SF Cremonas (in this case, cosmetic issues trumped performance at the margin). I liked the Sophias a lot, but - on performance alone - I thought the Vandersteen Quatro was the best of the lot. I'd also check out the Acoustic Zen Adagio which, while not delivering deep bass quite in the same league as the Quatro or Sophia, represents compelling value at $4,300. IMHO.

Good luck w/your hunt.
