

Just aquired Sennheiser 650's and am in the market for driver amps. Lots to choose from, but I've only noticed Headroom and Meier products offering a "cross-feed" feature to blend L/R. Those of you who have their products (or other manufacturers ???), do you prefer utilizing this feature, somewhat, or almost never? Some say they'll never go back to conventional drivers without it.

Thanks in advance,

I've had a headroom max for several years with various phones & sources & I have never liked the crossfeed feature at all. It adds some unnatural, annoying ambiance. I do highly recommend the max (last generation, preferably with the later reference module) as a great, smooth amp.
(I also dislike the the high filter.)

I also use the 650s (with a Zu Mobius cable), but now prefer the AKG 701s (they are more liquid-sounding, but the 650s may be better with any abrasive or piercing recordings).

Good luck.
Firstly, I do not think there should be any issues regarding importing from Meier Audio or other international manufacturers. Check out how easy it is over at head-Fi. I live in South Africa where it is much more difficult (much higher shipping costs, higher customs charges etc.) but ordering from overseas nowadays is fairly hassle free.

More on topic, I have a PS Audio GCHA running my HD650s and I love it. It does not have crossfeed but I run all my music via the PC with foobar and use either its built-in crossfeed filter or one of the numerous crossfeed plugins available.

I have owned a Headroom amp and preferred not to use the crossfeed. If your looking for an amp you should check out www.singlepoweraudio.com You can read many reviews and opinions of there amps on head-fi.com.
They are VERY good. I have had two offerings from Singlepower and have found nothing close to them when it comes to headphone listening.
Also the Zu Mobius aftermarket HD650 cable will really add to the alredy nice HD650.
Singlepower offers crossfeed as an option to there amps if you want it.

Appreciate all your contribution of opinions regarding "cross-feed". I suppose it's just like anything else, in that one must personally audition this feature (easier said than done), though the mentioned models equipped with this, ARE sellectable. Just so many other fine tube and SS amps without this option.

Anyone with an extra "cross-feed"-equiped amp willing to offer a weekend loaner? (Trustworthy, with clean feedback)

Thanks again,

Frank (Chicago area)

Frank- you might want to post that request on head-fi.org, or check and see if they have any "meets" coming up where manuf. and members bring their amps and cans for testing/comparing. iirc, lots of members in chicago area.