Totem Arros - Set up


I building an Arros based 2-channel system for my 16 x 13 x 8 room. My listening position will be like 10 feet from the Arros. I listen to vocals, instruments, jazz and pop. This is what I am going with: Arros and REL Strata 3 (or) REL Stadium 3. But for building this set-up, I need some guidance from you.

1. I am thinking of using a Cary SLI-80 in the future. For now I want to go with either Jolida 302b (or) Primaluna Prologue 2. Which one would you recommend for better system synergy ?

2. Can the 40 watts from Primaluna drive the Arros to sufficiently good volume levels like 90 dB ?

3. Do we need to Bi-Wire Arros ?

4. What Speaker wire (or Bi-Wire) works well with Arros ? I am looking for reasonably priced ones as my budget is limited to $150 MAX for wires.

5. Can I Bi-Wire if I use Jolida 302b or Primaluna prologue 2 ?

6. What Interconencts are recommended between CD Player and Primaluna / Jolida ?

7. What power Source is reasonable choice ? ( $200 MAX )

I will highly appreciate your valuable input and will immensely help in setting up my 2 channel system.

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How did you connect your integrated amp with Sub and Rainmakers ? Are you running your rainmakers full range or you are crossing them over ? I Know that this is not an issue at all in HT applications as the reciever / processor can do all the separation of low freq. I am coming from 2 channel perspective with Primalula Prologue II (or) Jolida 302b being the candidates.


What you are recommending by saying "With the ACI Speaker Level Converters you run RCA interconnects to your sub and the speaker cabling directly from your amplifier to your Totems. I think I'd prefer this since it would keep the signal to your Totems purer"

is exactly what REL subwoofers are suggesting me to do. In this case Totem Arros recieve full range signal and the concern is full range to a 4 1/2" woofer may not be good. That is the only concern I have with using REL.

So the alternatives I am looking for is to feeed crossedover signal at say 52hz to Arros and all the LFE beloew 52 hz goes to sub. I dont know how to acheive this with Primaluna Prologue II (or) Jolida 302B

Bob Reynolds,

Assuming it is Creek 5350 SE which has both pre-Amp out ad Power Amp in...can you please detail the way you will set up the connections so that Arros will recieve High Level freq ( > 52 hz) and any freq below 52 hz goes to subwoofer. You can assume a HSU subwoofer or ZU Method or even a REL subwoofer ( in-case of REL we can send full range input from amp speaker terminals to REL through Neutrik Speakon connector and set-up the crossover in REL for LFE ).

I will highly appreciate if you can please explain this to me ?

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