Speakers for large open room

I'd like thoughts for speakers in a 18 x 22 room with catheral ceilings 15' to 23'...one long window wall and the other, a half wall opening to kitchen and hall with loft over!!! A nightmare or what?
Coincident Total Eclipse and Total Victory.

A friend has a room even bigger than yours and he has used both these speakers. He prefers the TEs and I must say they sound excellent in his room. Another big advantage, both are quite effecient and you would not need more than 50 wpc (and probably considerably less) to drive either speaker to very high levels.
Certainly not ideal, but I can relate. I have a similar crib. My Zu Definitions with only 18 SET watts move an incredible amount of air. Wonderful at low volume too. You forgot to mention a few things: budget, components, what you're driving now, music tastes?
I have a 25 x 28 great room w/ cathedral ceiling and a glass wall of doors and the Dunlavys work fine ... especially since I bi-amped them ( a few weeks ago ) .