panel speaker help

recently purchased the magnepan 1.6. . it's ok but, want more accurate instrumental timbre.

any ideas ?? i don't like hybrids and i won't consider mg 3.6s or 20.1 . no sound labs and no quads and no audio statitics. i am looking for fresh ideas--brands i am not familiar with.

thank you nsgarch. i had heard the analysis audio speakers at the SHOW, January 2006. I was somewhat impressed. I then contacted the importer, a very nice gentlemen, and as a reviewer, i was offered a very good deal.

my concerns include thin distribution, speaker made in Greece, repair issues, stability of distribution if the current distributor decides to drop the line, binding posts on back of speaker and compatibility with amp.

the epsilon retails for $13200 and even with a deal its not small potatoes.

i guess i am on my own, but all i can do is bare my thoughts. that is the nice thing about this forum.
Hi Mrt,

I did not audition these speakers, but merely suggested them as an alternative to the reference of your original thread.

However, I would strongly recommend you contact Graz at, he has resurrected the infamous speakers to which I'm most familiar with in my early audio days.

As far as pricing, that's something only he or his website could provide, Kmart blue light specials not guaranteed, a lot of time and effort go into these.

He apparently has a U.S. dealer in Virginia ( might be worth the trip.

Good luck and Happy Bird Day.
What amp are you using?
Maggies have much different personalities with different amps. Try pushing these with a pair of 200 watt parasounds and they will sound amazingly different/better than many lower powered more pretentios amps.
i find electrostats and apogees to present the timbre of instruments in a more realistic manner than other speakers. the original quad esl was especially adept at recreating the sound of an instrument, regardless of the electronics used.

magnepans have a lot of strong points, but timbral accuracy is not their most outstanding characteristic.