Anyone Totally Content With Their System?

Thought this might be fun. Is anyone out there totally content right now with their system? If so, what is your set-up, total cost and how long did it take you to get to this utopia? I post this in the "Speakers" forum because that is my particular obesession for some reason.
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
If we were totally content, why would we be perusing AudiogoN? No good can come of that!

I can always think of something bigger and better, however...that does not mean I'm not "content" with the components I have put together. that said, I am not just a music lover...I'm also an audiophile. An audiophile remains in a state of flux forever "because he's having fun"....system changes are part of the fun and the reasons for those changes need not be for any reason of non-contentment...usually only to explore new things.

For the last year (and more for some of my components) I've been enjoying:

Kinergetic transport
Counterpoint DAC
Audioprism Mantissa tube preamp
Rogue Audio tubed monos
Apogee speakers
VMPS subwoofers

This system can be put together for around $6,000-$8,000....larger rooms required because of speaker system setup.
