Anyone Totally Content With Their System?

Thought this might be fun. Is anyone out there totally content right now with their system? If so, what is your set-up, total cost and how long did it take you to get to this utopia? I post this in the "Speakers" forum because that is my particular obesession for some reason.
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
I am content with my system. It allows me to fully appreciate the artist. When all is unmasked, every voice inflection, and turn of the bow is heard.

You said it best!!! I could not have said it better!!
Do you mind...I will copy & paste that on all of
my for sale ads from here on out. :o)
I will have to admit, I am pretty content right with my system after a major overhaul of upgrades.(New Amp, New transport, New Cables) I also have had the time to sit down and listen this holiday which has been nice. But knowing me, this will change.. LOL..

I really enjoyed this thread and the great responses..

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
