Merlin VSM-mm's a good value at $3000 used?


Quick question. I am looking to spend about 3K used, and several people seem to be very happy with the Merlin floorstanding monitor VSM-mm. These are going used for about $3000. Would you say this is a good value at the used price? Preferred music is jazz, classical, and some modern, electronic jazz mixes (I love THE NECKS, for example). Room is about 11x18x10 (with some spillover into a larger room at the end). I would also have the option of a 14x24 room. Electronics TBD-whatever works best, as I have no issues swapping out my current gear with something more suited to the task. I guess the only thing that I am worried about is the lack of low-end: I would like to get a true full-range sound (although I don't listen to organ music, but would hate to partially lose the bass lines so prominent in jazz, which has happened with past monitors I have owned). Most of the speakers in this price range are 3 to 5 ways, so it seems hard to believe that a simple 2-way can reproduce the full-range of the larger speakers. Darn, I wish I had an audition, but there is nobody within a few hours of me here! Obviously there are lots of options for $3K used (Legacy Focus, Tyler Sig System, Audio Physic Virgo III) but it seems difficult to find a bad word about the Merlin's, with several people going through mulitple upgrades over time, as new models come out. Thanks for your help!
you said that many like them and many comment on the bass. that implication was not fair and i corrected you as to why i was concerned. preconception is a dangerous thing. it clearly made it appear to be more negative than you may have wanted to it to be and that the totals were 50/50. perhaps i am more sensitive because this is my product but still, that is my feeling. enough said on that point.
if you are using an underdamped speaker than you will in most cases want want an amp with a high damping factor or current to control it. this is also a system approach and one should be used in every system for best results. after all, if you had a damped system and used tubes to flesh it out and then purchased one of many underdamped speaker brands to work with the electronics, the sound would be a bloated mess. this is the exact opposite to the merlin situation and entirely possible.
there are many things that make them sound right and with the newer the product, you have greater ease in finding nice sounding assocoiated gear (even ss).
lets not bicker, i am entitled to my opinion just like you.
i also know of many using ponderous sounding speakers with subs on them so, who is to say what is right and wrong.
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never ever had any issues with the listening before you buy thing just your way of describing other aspects of the discussion.
i wish i had a pair of e versions in a well thought out system for you to audition. lets see what i come up with.
happy holidays to you.
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You don't read many manufacturers defending their products in the forums. Why this one and why so often?

Just curious.