TSM-MM not loud enough ...

While I have no problems with bass due to integration with Vandy 2Wq subs, the TSM-MM can not fill my 21'x16'x9' room. It has taken years to get my system as optimized (to my tastes) as it is now, other than lack of shear volume at times. Is there any viable option? Would the VSM fill my needs? I think Merlins are in my blood forever, but ...

Any input appreciated.
You say defending when in reality it is selling. Anyway, there is plenty of daily criticism/ discussion in these threads regarding competitive brands such as Tyler, Green Mountain, Coincident, Von Schweikert, Totem, and on and on.

Very very very seldom do any of their principles step in and sell, oops I meant “defend” the products. Why is that? They are probably secure in the quality/reputation of their product. Lack of interest? I doubt it; they pay attention. Perhaps professionalism has something to do with it. I don’t know.
In defending Bobby;---he is here and offers plenty of help for end users. Besides bobby and Steve McCormac;few other MFG's do that.---AND their product is their livelihood,so most of us understand.--OK,I'm not a book-shelf-on a- stand,kind of a guy and I would be looking at big floor standers to fill this 21x16 room.---But,then again; I don't do book-shelf speakers,even tho my room is smaller than this size. Back to "about-bobby"-- I think his closness with his owners gives him valuable input on what works with his speakers.
being a manufacturer and moving in those circles, i think i know a few more than you do. i have spoken to many about dicussions in chatrooms and they have to me because they know i post. their opinions vary greatly. some have very large companies and are too busy running them, some with research, some with travel and some just let their dealers or customer service personal do the talking for them. they do not get involved unless a given situation is out of control. some and not many just make themselves totally inaccessable to all for one reason or another. and a few even commended me personally for standing up for my work. not once was it ever said to be unprofessional to stick up for your work or help consumers.
but to be fair to you, there may be some who do feel that way because nothing is an absolute. your opinion of what i am doing here has been stated many times and i do not agree with you. but be sure of one thing, there are many who post here that know my product and own it. i will continue to offer advice and to clear up problems and or misconceptions.
with you being a dealer, why do you post here and take many to task? i feel this is an example of "the kettle calling the pot black."
bobby at merlin
I guess I should have known better ... My fault for NOT saying I've already talked with Bobby, (this was a few months ago, I would doubt you remember, B, given the volume of call you probably receive) I was looking for specific info regarding other's experience that may have upgraded to a more efficient, "louder" speaker, that sounds just-like-a-Merlin. I have to assume that is probably the VSM series.

Sorry, but dB levels are not my thing, this is merely a subjective question. How much louder is also subjective so I'll have to say, a little more than a little louder, OK? If this is too ignorant of a statement, I apologize. The TSM is plenty loud enough ... most of the time, however I will give up quantity for quality. It just maybe I've given up a bit more quantity that I wanted to. One never knows until the component is in-hand.

"Sentiment" has nothing to so with it, I love the speaker, in my system, now more than ever, um ... "now." I'm interested in the power handling and SPL that the VSM may offer over the TSM from mid-bass up. I could/should have just taken Bobby's word for it, but I didn't buy the TSM originally for that reason either so ....

I don't see what the rest of my system has to do with it ... It's already too much power for the TSM, but the synergy, imho, is perfect. If anyone cares, see user Thom at AA for details.

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