Talon-New owner-NO customer service

I have a Talon Roc I purchased from a fellow Audiogon member. It developed a buzz after two months of use. I called talon, now owned by Rives and told them the problem. I got a call from Katie saying they no longer dealt with the amp manufacturer but she would call me back. She didn't so I called a week later. Basically they weren't interested in my plight, even if if I paid for out of warrenty service. They did say I could replace the amp for $1600!!!!! That is a "we don't don't care, but if you pay this-we will-price"!!!! A call to Richard got me, "go buy a Crown amp for a $1000 and make a wood panel for the back"
BEWARE---it appears Rives do not want to support Talons existing products!!!
After all of your slander and innuendo, you changed a fuse. Maybe should have looked there first.
I think you may have missed the point. You suggest that many here are simply 'Rives/Talon sympathizers', and that is simply not what I hear being said.

The Audiogon Forums are not the wild wild west as may be the case on other sites. This is a moderated site, some might say sometimes overly aggressively. There are many who have written on this thread who have participated here for many years. We get to know each. We have almost all had extensive experience in the Audio Marketplace and particularly the USED Auto Marketplace. As with most 'groups' or affiliations, there are informal rules and conventions.

Many on this forum routinely go WAY out of their way to help others, with knowledge, with experience, with wisdom. I think there are many here who were inclined at first to be concerned with you difficulty. However, I believe that what matters to many is the MANNER in which business and affairs are conducted here. Choosing to personally attack a long standing forum member (who as I stated before has often been observed to go out of his way to help others in the 'Audiogon Way'), unfortuntately, did very little to further your cause here. This reaction is simply no different that what one would experience in most 'groups'.

The point is that this is a pretty helpful and forgiving place, and I think many would like to see it remain that way. Join in...get to know the gang. One unfortunate experience with audio gear is not the kind of thing that needs to change your personal perspective of enjoying the music and the gear.
Robyatt has done much to aggravate in this situation, but in all fairness, he was not looking for warranty or free service, but reasonably priced serice. As Talon / Rives was not the manufacturer of the amp, they were not able to provide this. They were willing to do what they could, at a price that was reasonable for what they had to do. It seems like a better solution would have been for Rives to refer Robyatt to the original manufacturer of the amp, who, if they are still in business and a reputable company, should have been able to repair it for a few hundred dollars.