High power amp for monitors?

I am wondering if going from a 130W power amp to a 200WPC amp will have any benefit for my JM LAB cobalts. Is 200WPC too much for monitor speakers?
Well, they have average sensivity(91db) and are 8 ohm, in a small to medium size room(12X18), but I have a chance at getting a Rotel 991, and a RB 1070, for almost the same price, but the power recommendations for these speakers are up to 150WPC, so I am not sure if I should stay within that guideline, or opt for the 991.
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If I'm correct I think you would have to go to a least 250 watts to get a 3db increase in volume. I suppose this is why you want a more powerful amp? If it is SPL you're looking for, you may want to rethink spending the money on an amp and consider more sensitive monitor speakers?
IMHO, I'd upgrade the speakers before getting a 200 WPC amp. I think you will get more of an improvement that way.
You have to double power to get a 3db increase in output. Shouldn't make much of a difference on a pure power basis.
Of course, the amp may have other properties that you like better.