Speakers with Cary 300 SEI

I'm considering getting a Cary 300 SEI. Mainly for headphone use. I would also like to set it up with some monitors. Any suggestions.
Well the room size is undecided at this point. We are still looking at new houses. Most likely it will be a "spare" bedroom size. I listen mostly to Jazz.
I must second the suggestion of the Proac 1Sc's. It is a wonderful combination with the Cary SET..

Good Luck,

If you don't listen to very loud level, anything with >80 dB will work as long as impedance is relatively flat. So just pick the speakers that you like and make sure it's a flat 4 or 8 Ohms speakers. So the choice is actually quite numerous.

ProAc 1SC, Reference 3A Dulcet, Harbeth, Spendor and etc. Probably smart to stay away from speakers with Dynaudio based driver. Usually too difficult to drive for SET.

For the "magic" vocal reproduction combo, 300B and BBC LS 3/5 speakers is the one to go for. I heard a pair of Cary 300B monoblock with Roger 3/5. Definitely syrupy sweet. Won't be very loud at 82-84 dB efficency though.
I urge you to listen/read, to fullrange, single driver, crossover-less speakers. This is where the "Magic" happenes with the 300B, zero-feedback SET designs. Since you are looking for monitors you can take a look at Omega speakers. They are very efficient as well. Also if you don't mind floorstanders Cain & Cain also fits your bill.
Good luck!
Lex- Omegas are made in Norwalk, CT and the owner is reputed to be a real nice guy; he was pleasant and prompt in a single email exchange he and I had.