Is there a modern equivalent of Allison Ones?

I have a 30 year-old refurbished pair of Allison 3's, placed in the corners of my study. They are fantastic in terms of ease of placement (:):), take up no room, disapppear sonically, soundstage and project well, and are extremely musical. But they don't have the resolution or clarity in the highs and mid-range that the modern speakers do. I am looking for speakers that can be placed against a rear wall, like the Allison One's, for another room, but with the modern improvement in resolution and clarity. Are there any such speakers? Are there any floor-standers that are made to be placed against the rear wall?
springbok10 interesting push pull bass config..and it is a great speaker. one of the last hurrahs for allison 2...the second incarnation of the company.
its a conventional design, much like my AR classic 30's. Since it is not ported, it is not as sensitive to placement as many, but it it should be in from the sidewalls a bit.