Question about Druids

Since Zu has such a liberal home audition policy, why would anyone who just bought a pair that is "not even broken in", sell them for a 1K loss? Why not just take advantage of the return option and pay the shipping back to the factory? This makes no sense to me. Any ideas?

Is there anyone out who negotiated a price on their Zu speakers? I was unaware of the "fact" that the price could be negotiated until Jjimali said so. Can someone verify that?
Jjmali, you say this negotiation of price is "fact?" Please elaborate. Inquiring Zu owners would love to know. Sounds like BS to me, but you never know. I never thought to even think of negotiating the price of my Defs, since they were being purchased straight from their factory. Maybe that was naive of me? I realize there is room for negotiation and I am never afraid to ask, but I find it a bit disconcerting that I may have paid more than others because I forgot to ask for a better price? Jjmali, please back up your statement.
Why don't you man up and ask the owner! If you were in the market for buying them, it wouldn't matter, his loss is your gain. If you are just kicking tires, what's the point of asking?
Jjmali, your statement is mean spirited, disparaging, and unfair to Zu. Speaking of manly things to do: how 'bout backing up those digs.
Music a11, I do appreciate the manly advice, but since I am still recovering from my gender change surgery, acting like a man is going to be difficult for me with all these harmones I'm taking. I'll wait a little, and see if the inherent male DNA in me will rise to the top and help me address the Zuboys.
I, still, would love to now what Jjmali has up his ass?