Single-driver speakers for 2W 45 SET monoblocks

My wonderful Welborne 45 SET monoblocks will be built shortly (shortly after I start them, that is). I have/had intended to use my Zu Druids with them, but as this system is for fun & experimentation, I want to try some other speakers too. I like the Druids but have heard other single drivers, like the Omegas, that I liked better.

So, I'm looking for some other speakers in the 99db+ sensitivity range. The problem is that that makes things pretty difficult. The 96dB Omegas, and horns in the 95-96 range, might be sensitive enough, but I think that is borderline for 2W amps. I would like to stay in the 98dB and up range, unless I get first-hand recommendations from folks using 45s with them. I like to listen with about 95db peaks 10' away, large room.

Price range is $3K new at the most. Thanks for any ideas.
Hi Paul,

The standard answer to your inquiry would probably be the Klipsch LaScala, which is a darn good speaker for the money.

However, I suggest that you also contact John Kalinowski, aka "Johnk", a custom speaker designer who specializes in very high quality, high efficiency systems. He may well have something in your price range. I haven't heard any of his systems but his designs look innovative and very well thought-out to me, and I can tell you that the quality of parts he uses is outrageously high for the price he asks.

If you can't reach him through Audiogon, shoot me an e-mail and I'll put you in touch with him.

Best of luck to you,

Thanks, Duke. I was listening to the Druids tonight (with my current Dared 2A3 SET amp) and really digging them. They are definitely really killer on some types of music. So, I want to buy used only to audition against the Druids, and sell what I like least. Maybe the Druids will beat all comers. I'll look into the Klipsches - thanks, I would not have thought of that!
What do you not like/not like about the Druids? I would speculate there are very few, if any, choices in that price range that would do significantly better across the board. The main difficulty is finding balanced sound in a 100+ db package is really tough, doing so at $3k will be difficult or impossible, depending on how far down you want the bass to go.

I used to run my Druids with 6 watts of battery-powered Tripath juice, I hadn't discovered SETs yet when I had them. That amp was great with the Druids, but I've heard they do appreciate additional headroom. I'd love to hear them some time with a KT88 or 845 amp.

Going with something Lowther-based would be subjectively faster but probably less weighty. Horns are an option, but I don't know of any 100+ db choices that would fit under $3k and you may not like horns anyway.

Going to a powered bass system is a great way to do it but of course that adds complexity. I run my Yamamoto A-08s 45 amp from about 65 hz up to Zu Definition Pros, with a Crown K2 on the subs. This combination will serve literally any music at loud and uncompressed volumes. The transition between main speakers and subs can be very smooth too.

I love the path you're on. Good low-powered SETs are like no other audio experience. The amps are there, and I'll be very excited to follow your journey with speaks.

Miklorsmith - In a nutshell, the Druids do not sound tonally correct to me on a lot of music/instruments. Piano is one category. I have come to the conclusion, along with others, that there is just something not right about using the 10" driver for the mids. It works less than perfectly. I hope I'm not going to get flamed for this. I'm not a musician, but what I hear is what I hear. So many love them - I don't know. Maybe I haven't feed them the proper amplification yet. Currently a Dared 2A3 integrated.

Duke - Thanks for turning me on to the La Scalas! One of my very early hifi "near mind-boggling" experiences was listening to Klipschhorns at a local dealer here in Milwaukee. I have not heard a Klipsch speaker in over 15 years, however. I'm going to have to rectify that.

What I'm interested in doing is getting as close as I can to the incredible sound Ron had going in his room at RMAF with those utterly massive, $55K compression-driver horns. Since the La Scalas are in the same category (compression-driver horns), at 1/10th the price, that is probably a good place to look.

Shipping is certainly an issue. 350lb uncrated for the pair! Yikes!

I have no money for this venture at the moment, but, as I said, I'm certainly going to pursue it.

That room was definitely THE most lifelike music I've ever heard, at least on small-scale jazz. Now, my main system, which is Green Mountain C3s driver by 845 SETs still amazes me nearly daily, but I wonder if I could put something together with these 45s for a lot let money that would do the same (or better?).

I know I should probably do vinyl too. No doubt, the sound in that room could not have been approximated with digital. What am I waiting for? I don't know. I just don't want to buy a TT setup and all the LPs I'd want. I'll have to remain happy with digital for a little while longer at least, if not for good.