Single-driver speakers for 2W 45 SET monoblocks

My wonderful Welborne 45 SET monoblocks will be built shortly (shortly after I start them, that is). I have/had intended to use my Zu Druids with them, but as this system is for fun & experimentation, I want to try some other speakers too. I like the Druids but have heard other single drivers, like the Omegas, that I liked better.

So, I'm looking for some other speakers in the 99db+ sensitivity range. The problem is that that makes things pretty difficult. The 96dB Omegas, and horns in the 95-96 range, might be sensitive enough, but I think that is borderline for 2W amps. I would like to stay in the 98dB and up range, unless I get first-hand recommendations from folks using 45s with them. I like to listen with about 95db peaks 10' away, large room.

Price range is $3K new at the most. Thanks for any ideas.
I had a wonderful set of back loaded horns with Fostex 206 esr drivers, built by John Kalinowski. These were magic with my New Audio Frontiers 845 SE integrated amp, but maybe not quite sensitive enough for your needs. I would highly recommend speaking with John, and having something custom built with the driver of your choice. I think he posts on Audiogon as
Thank you for the replies to my year-old thread.

Since that time, I have bought and sold approximately 6,000 pieces of audio gear and have learned quite a bit more.

I sold my Welborne kits without building them, and they were recently sold here by their new owner who did an impeccable job on construction (as he always seems to). I have since owned Fi 45 monos and the Yamamoto 45 - both of them superb in their own wau.

I have owned several BLH speakers including my favorites, Lamhorns, which do indeed play beautifully on the wonderful 45. However, dynamics improve substantially with more power.

For me, there are a few more powerful amps can come very close the sweetness and "rightness" of the 45, but none of them quite match it.
I have a pair of Oris 150 horns made by Johnk. They are the true hi-fi bargain of the century (IMHO) that come up on sale occasionally here on 'Audiogon'. They will probably within your budget secondhand. They are not a Single driver speaker and I do not know If 2W is enough juice to drive them.
Johnk Is the Man!

i've found a lot of magic between my yamamoto a-08s and von schweikert dB99SE speakers. granted, i'm "cheating" when it comes to bass as the dB99SE have built in 600 watt amps per speaker. still, it's a combo i think i'll keep for a good long while.
To clarify further: I now own 45 and PX-25 amps and also am not longer in the market for speakers.
