All the speakers with the esotec that I could find including posts from DIY builders from 2 years ago when Dyaudio still sold to the public vary. About half the reviews report sibilance & some almost the opposite. I know DIY builders were not often happy however Alan does not get stock drivers.-if you read the site they are built to his specifications. Now that could be anything from just a fit thing to something more functional.My speakers where one of the first built by Aaln using the new esotecs & are actually 14" high as opposed to the 13” mentioned in the specs. So who knows, perhaps mine are some earlier version the speakers both with the esotec I could find including posts from DIY biulsersfrom 2 years ago when Dyaudio still sold to the public vey abot hlf the reviwrs report sibilance & some almost the opposite .I know DIY builders were not often happy however Alan does not get stock drivers.If you read the site they are built to his specifications. Now that could be anything from just a fit thing to something more functional. Alan sent me a pair of jumpers that has a resistor in line that rolls off the HF & gets rid of the sibilance or most of it at the expense of that lovely shimmer the HF has & a lot of the openness & airyness of this driver. It does make them more listenable especially with the Analysis Plus Crystal Oval IC which is very quick & open. He also said that if I sent the speakers back( I live in Canada so read big expensive) he could fix the sibilance so perhaps there is a crossover adjustment made in a later model. If I thought he could eliminate the sibilance without rolling of the HF I would go for it & just wait for a good deal on a powerful hybrid or perhaps even the new Plinius 9200 if I could get a decent buck for my RA Tempest II tube integrated....that is how much I like the speaker in virtually every other respect. There are, however too many ifs for me consequentially I am in the process of selling the JML at fire sale values ...I always get good deals on things so I am never too far off.I will also sell the 17v3 but with the proviso that they may be a tad aggressive in the upper mids.I wish someone from my community were interested that way I am not selling somebody something they don’t want.I would be more comfortable with someone auditioning these prior to buying them.
What to do?I wish I was more certain about the nature of the issue.It is hard to believe Dynaudio would invest that much R & D & produce a sibilant tweeter that is good in every other way.It may be tricky to use since they were tying to get as much of the Esotar sound as they could for $200.Therein may lie my problem ...perhaps this driver is tricky loas wise
Everything sold, I will have enough to buy either a set of Linbrook sigs or if I am tight the Tylo Monitors.
One last thought… the final issue may be this.KT88 based tube amps are the most SS sounding of the tube genre according to the tube crowd. I had a RA Cronus which is EL 34 based before the TII which even made my JML sound sweet in the highs.Pehaps another direction might be tube rolling.You did mention one amp did make them sibilant…was that perchance a tube mentioned that you could not recall.
Anyway,lots to think about & experiment with.
Thanks for engaging me in this conversation. It is always fun & often helpful to compare notes
What to do?I wish I was more certain about the nature of the issue.It is hard to believe Dynaudio would invest that much R & D & produce a sibilant tweeter that is good in every other way.It may be tricky to use since they were tying to get as much of the Esotar sound as they could for $200.Therein may lie my problem ...perhaps this driver is tricky loas wise
Everything sold, I will have enough to buy either a set of Linbrook sigs or if I am tight the Tylo Monitors.
One last thought… the final issue may be this.KT88 based tube amps are the most SS sounding of the tube genre according to the tube crowd. I had a RA Cronus which is EL 34 based before the TII which even made my JML sound sweet in the highs.Pehaps another direction might be tube rolling.You did mention one amp did make them sibilant…was that perchance a tube mentioned that you could not recall.
Anyway,lots to think about & experiment with.
Thanks for engaging me in this conversation. It is always fun & often helpful to compare notes