A Bright Pair of Watt Puppys

I'd love some suggestions on taming my bright system. My Watt Puppy 6's are really bright and it often seems on many recordings as though the tweeter and midrange are just way louder and more dominant than the bass. Often, to get more bass punch (or just warmer sound) I find myself wanting to turn the volume up. This helps the bass level a bit but also sends the rest of the spectrum thru the roof: it gets very loud.

Although I assume my room is too small for these speaks and I need some treatment, can't believe this is the only issue here. Watching other woofers at CES for example, the things extend rapidly right out of the enclosures on systems that sounded warm to me. My drivers barely move at all. Just doesn't seem right.

Also was told by the designer of Genesis speakers that my amp isn't powerful enough to control the bass on the Watt Puppys. That was a surprise.

Here's my system configuration:
WP 6
BAT VK-600
Bat 31-SE Preamp
Kimber 3033 speaker cables
Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling ITC
Shanling CD-100 dual output cd player
Furman power conditioner
Room Size: 15 x 25

Any suggestions? Anyone?
Placement of the speakers is paramount with Wilson W/P's. Play a recording that has a good deal of bass, and start adjusting your speakers in very small increments. You can use tape on the floor or on the walls using a laser device on top of the watt's. and then tape the wall where the laser illuminates on it.

Ask a friend or spouse to help you, patience is a virtue. Eventually you will find a balance you can live with. Hopefully you will not have pulled all of the hair out of your head.
Unless you've got some hard wall, floor or ceiling surfaces I would suggest trying another speaker. Your supporting equipment is not bright so it must be a speaker and/or room interface problem. Every time I've heard Wilsons they have been on the fatiguing side. I'm a fan of Vandersteen because they aren't fatiguing to me, probably because if they err at all it is on the warm side. There are LOTS of speaker choices that will make a big difference so try them out if room treatements can't tame them. The room size is not an issue either, you've actually got a fairly large room. As a point of reference Harry Pearson has a smaller room and he has reported on a lot of large speaker systems.
Thanks all for your thoughts. My guess is that room treatment (and placement) are my first step as I do have a few bare walls that are likely the culprit for first order reflections. Ceiling is entirely bare and is 10' high and left wall could use some treatment as well. Will also try dampening vibes under amp and component cabinet using stillpoints/vibrapods.

I do have a digital EQ and can alter sound as needed. But I prefer using my cd's tube output, which is now wired straight to pre, not EQ'd. My pre is also tube.

Thanks again for your suggestions.
You may simply not like the Wilson sound but I think it is more likely that you don't have them setup properly. A very small change in placement (like 0.5 inches) can make a big difference sometimes. Since you don't have pictures of your setup, it is hard to help any more than that.

I disagree that your electronics or source are the problem. You need to play with speaker toe-in and distance from rear wall to see if your problem changes or gets eliminated. Try giving them just a little toe-in and move them closer to your rear wall first and see what happens.
