Best Sonus Faber for 16 sq room. ?


If money was of no importans what would you buy for a 16 sq well treated room?

Remember i have a amp that have digital eq so some magic can be done.

I know that most will say Guarneri Memento

But the thing is i have had the Gamut l3 speakers beforee ,and even if the do project wonderfull imagedes the just dont sound as dynamic as a floorstander
for all kinds of music i ended up not liking them much.

I know i have asked alot of qustians about sonus faber speakers but its just because im very very confused on wich one to get .

But this qustian is what it all comes down to.

Pleas spare with me

That is roughly 12.5ft. X 13.5ft. with almost 11ft. ceilings .
Why only Sonus Faber ?
Yes saki yes you answer is correct .

Why only sonus faber ? Simply because I love them.

No turning back now );

Cremona Auditor on dedicated stand or Concerto Domus.

Not even Guarneri Memento... Why? Its stand it simply too tall for your room. My friend tried to put Memento's in room little bit bigger then yours(5m x 3.85m) with not so good resluts. You need to seat at least 2.5m from Memento's to get decent sound.

And forget about Amati Anniversario, Elipsa or Cremona. They are all way too big for your room.

You currently own Gamut L3? Good small speaker IMO.

Do you want one of the best small speakers? Then go ahead and try to audition Krell LAT-2000 or Wilson Duette.

Both(specially Krell LAT-2000!) are way better in all respects then Memento's IMHO. And I own Anniversario's BTW so, I am not biased against Sonus Faber.
Hi branimir

If i where to chose the memento i would sit 3.5 meters from them .

Regarding the Krells i dont beleive the would be a stepup from the gamut l3`s.
For one the are using the same scanspeak drivers.
Also the are build by Lars goller witch is the former head ingeneer at scanspeak and is the brian beheind scanspeak drivers ,and besdes that the sound seriously good.
bettter then the cremona auditor for sure.

But still the dont provide that full range musical vindue.

My room has a complete seeling treatment and a Thick wall to wall carpet and wall treatment behind my listning position.
The gamuts are to small for my room simpel as that the dont go deep enourgh.

Actually i had a long talk with the Nordic Sonus faber distrubiator witch has set up Alot of stradivariĀ“s and amatis annis and also has alot of personal experinces with the both the old and the new amati.

He said that the amati anni will not be a problem for my room .
He told me that the amati anniversario is xtremly well balanced and the are the easyest of the homage speakers to setup and also quit room friendly.

He also pointed out that the anniversario actually where more room frindly then the old homage because the midrange driver in the old homage could be to much in your face if the speakers wher not placed correct .

What he pointed out was that the floor would be the biggest problem ,
also as you point out a minimun of 3 meters to the drivers is needed
But if i placed them fare out in the corners and toed in i would have plenty of room on the sides of the speakers and a listning distance of 3.4 meters to the bas drivers of the amati.
And when I pointed out that i had ATB room correction in my amp he said go for it for sure.

Because when i had the Lyngdorf Roomperfect system the best spot to place the speaker wher in the corners and toe then in so the cross right before my head .
This way the base only travels from the corners and here i can controll them via the the roomcorrection in my amp.

My old system consisted of tactaudio w210 corner subs and the gamut l3 all driven by to lyngdorf tda2200+ amps and a cd-1 player

The big corner subs consists of 2 *10 inch drivers in each of the to corner woffers and are placed in the corners.
And the produse some serious bass sounds .
At least as powerfull as the stradivari
since the are very efficent and driven by a currents trong fully digital amp.
but via the advanced eq is was abel to get a perfect well balanced sound with plenty of deep base in that room.
Just use the atb to locate where the bass overpowers the room and its fixed.
The roomtretment will do the rest.

But as i have experinted before no body really know how its going to sound until the are in my room.

Well... I do not agree at all with you regarding Krell LAT-2000. Did you audition them personally? No? Ok, then just to point out few things they sound amazing on London show 2006.

Anniversario's in room small as yours? Your SF distributor said they fit nicelly in 16m2 room? Another Ok form me...
I use them in 35m2 room BTW and this speakers are not perfectly neutral IMHO.

You plan to use Anniversario's in room corners and toe them in to cross in front of you? Sorry, they are not designed to be setup that way... Remember, I own them as well as my audio pal here on Agon(Kops) and we both agreed that Anniversario's are moderately demanding in setup.
You also plan to you TDA2200 to drive Anniversario's?
I am REALLY sceptic about results that you will get with that amp in your room...
Room correction unit with Anniversario's?

Do not get me wrong, but I find your setup plan very,very strange indeed.

Any way,
Good luck!