Best Sonus Faber for 16 sq room. ?


If money was of no importans what would you buy for a 16 sq well treated room?

Remember i have a amp that have digital eq so some magic can be done.

I know that most will say Guarneri Memento

But the thing is i have had the Gamut l3 speakers beforee ,and even if the do project wonderfull imagedes the just dont sound as dynamic as a floorstander
for all kinds of music i ended up not liking them much.

I know i have asked alot of qustians about sonus faber speakers but its just because im very very confused on wich one to get .

But this qustian is what it all comes down to.

Pleas spare with me

Along these same lines a recent Great room remodeling project has resulted in my large floorstanders; (Dali MS5) being exiled to a small bedroom for the forseeable future. I was wondering about simply plugging up the bass ports...voila, sealed box design...? The idea is that this would help with bass boom...if not speaker coherence. I know this messes around with the designers intent but hope for a temperary solution till the room situation can be delt with, ala Joey v's oh so pragmatic advice (you know you want em ;-)! The Dali's haven't made it upstairs so I can't comment on the thory yet, although I've heard of some manufacturers offering port plugs with their speakers for "tuning" purposes.
Thanks for all the replays

Must say that im not expecting super results .
And if it wassent for my amps nature i would have bourgt a monitor for sure.
but is there eny one that will back up Kops about the fact that The Cremona would be the best choice for now.?

Or is it exactly the same problem regardless of witch fullrange SF i chose and ther for i might as well get the Amati`s?


I have heard that the ms5`s is proberly the worst speaker to place in a small room .

I have seen it and heard it
BIG awsome speaker but very Loud and deep bass

I will not stuff enything into a pair of annaversario amati never ever ; )

I will use the millenium Eq to eleminate unwanted bass

You're probably right, and maybe I'll be calling on you for EQ advice!
Tda, I made the same judgement as it appears you are about to make, regarding a large and great speaker in a small room. Easy to do, since the large speaker not only generally looks better but will probably sound better if you ever get a big room. Like I said in my previous post, maybe try the Guarneri's( either model) and see how these work. When I sold my large speaker and replaced with the G's they were a revelation in my small room. I suspect that you would find that in your small room the G's will sound better than the Anniv's just because of less room interaction and the fact that they physically take up less space.Even with room correction, you will not be able to get the max out of the Anniv's and probably can get close to the max out of the G's. ( Your amp should work fine with both speakers).
Why not try and put a small speaker in your room as a test vs. a large speaker and see what the results are.
Good luck with your choice.