Best Sonus Faber for 16 sq room. ?


If money was of no importans what would you buy for a 16 sq well treated room?

Remember i have a amp that have digital eq so some magic can be done.

I know that most will say Guarneri Memento

But the thing is i have had the Gamut l3 speakers beforee ,and even if the do project wonderfull imagedes the just dont sound as dynamic as a floorstander
for all kinds of music i ended up not liking them much.

I know i have asked alot of qustians about sonus faber speakers but its just because im very very confused on wich one to get .

But this qustian is what it all comes down to.

Pleas spare with me

Who designed the Elipsa then? I heard it's nowhere near the Cremona because of a new tweeter, a new midrange, and a different woofer.
Mr. Serblin is involved with "Elipsa" as well, some 1 year ago (maybe more) he was listening-voicing and experimenting with the new paper-woodfibers midrange(in cooperation with scanspeak) which is the new variable for this new speaker and also is exclusive for Sonus Faber for 1year.
The rest recipe was already the there. The Strad's cabinet reduced size, minus one woofer and a newer better than Cremona's tweeter version.
I guess (not heard Elipsa yet) the very interesting part (regarding Cremona line) is the midrange (of course all the other parts are superior to Cremona series).

But for tda2200 this is not the right speaker, this baffle speakers needs even more space and width to play the best.

Tda220 you may even consider the Domus piano , but a second-hand or demo Cremona is a far better choice (with all restrictions for your room already told).
Analog Room in San Jose is the Sonus Faber dealer in south bay, all of their listening rooms are small and they have both Amati and Strad in the same small room, about the size of your room with shorter ceiling. Amati Anniv does sound great in that room, but does not give you the grand scale of music when setup in a larger room.

I agree the old Amati is very sensitive to placement, I own a pair in 14x18 room and I can hear 0.5" difference easily. But in my room, the scale of music is big, grand, and coherent; I do not feel the urge to upgrade even though I know the Anniv is more dynamic and transparent.