Tyler acoustics questions

I am zeroing in on either the Tylo monitor or the Linbrook sigs & would like to know what folks found to be the dfference in the midrange.I have a sub but if I bought the Taylos (save a thousand) what would you have to statr your sub at to run in parallel i.e I would use the preout on my RA Tempest II. I prefer to set my sub for music set at the lowest 50 Hz which seems to match it best with the quicker 6-7 inch driver with most monitor speakers .Do the Taylos do a honest 50 Hz in which case it is no doubt the better choice especially since my tube amp produces way more watts into 8 ohms than the 4 ohm sigs.(probably a better match)

The other issue is the tweeter .I see most folks lprefer the millenium a little more however I am looking for the smoothest one in the upper mids with the best rendering of siblance. My sense is the Scanspeak may be a little smoother & less peaky with a tad less presence in this area.Comments?


I have not heard the two speakers next to each other for several years, but what I remember is that while the midrange quality and timbre was mainly similar for the two (same drivers), the Linnbrook had more bloom and fullness - this could be because of the lower FR perhaps, not to mention dual speakers.
I would suspect a 50 Hz crossover point would be OK for the Taylo, though hard to tell without knowing how far you would put the speakers into the room, room size, crossover slope, etc etc. I do know that the 'posted spec' on the Linbrooks is very accurate in my experience and measuring - perhaps the Taylo is as well.
As for tweeters, what you are describing is the SEAS not the Scanspeak - the millenium is the smoother tweeter.
Last, as everyone always says, ask Ty - he knows his product better than us and is always helpful.
Keep in mind Tyler has linbrook signature MONITOR and linbrook signature SYSTEM. I assume you mean MONITOR as you are refering to the Taylo Monitor which uses a single W18 withthe Scanspeak tweet. The Lin Sig Monitor (LSM) uses dual W18's + Millinium ina MTM design. IMHO the LSM is the one to go with, as you get the fullness of dual W18's PLUS the Seas Excel tweeter is a much better tweeter vs the Scanspeak.
I see my opinion falls in line with Jimmy's on both points.
Sibilance is not necessarily speaker related. It could be your source equipment, bad tube(s), etc.

The Excel tweeter may not resolve the problem.

Good luck.
The Seas Excel is the finest tweeter imho
Just my opinion based on 30+ yrs in audio audition. All issues are resolved with the Millenium
The finest tweeter in the world, if it exists, will not resolve any sibilance problems caused by a mis-aligned cartridge, bad tube(s), etc. etc.

That is not opinion.