Another Zu Thread

Sorry - I'm sure this is in the archives, but I've been reading them for several hours and haven't come up with anything super definitive.

Can anybody comment on what setup works best with the Druids and/or the Definitions? I have read >10ft to the listener for the Definitions.

Does the floor material matter? I have read that they need to be placed on hard surfaces, not carpet - true?

They appear to work in a fairly standard triangle pattern - separated by X feet, user seated Y feet away.

Toe in? Do these speakers do the "head in a clamp thing" or does it support multiple listeners reasonably well?

Distance from back / side walls?

Any help would be appreciated, either in direct answers or point me to a thread that discusses all the physical setup issues.

well, you show enough people the color black and someone is going to see blue. the nature of the beast.
Mihilli, I believe its a standard 3/8" thread... Mainly I believe a lot of the fuss here is that the Height in fact changed the soundstage quite a bit.. The Original spikes only raised them about a Half inch or so, but you could maybe get them to go about 3/4" out of the cabinet from the floor.. I just simply found the Solid 2" Height better period, whether it is due to it being Starsound material, Brass, Or just a beefier spike is really not explainable by me accept they just simply worked better overall and sounded a little more clear, solid and yes much easier to place the cabinets, and they are much much Tighter fit to the body of the speaker with A much more Solid platform it seems. Try something out it can't hurt, How much this is worth Funding wise, well thats the real justification in the end and up to you.