New Von Schweikert VR SR4 mk11 Cream or Crap ???

It is hard to find a recent review of these speakers.
The few comments I been able to find on the Mk 11 version is that they are either very good or very bad.
All reviews seem to like the bass response, that is a good thing, but what about all the other qualities ?
Like treble, midrange, dynamics, soundstage , etc.

I am really interested in these (I like the way the look )but I have no way to audition them in the southeast corner of Michigan.

So, please anyone that can give an honest opinion of the speakers sonic qualities would be appreciated.

If your comments sound like a winner, I may hop on a plane to hear them somewhere.
Congradulations and I am glad you like the fit and finish. Let us know about the sound after breakin. The manual I recieved last spring was unclear about removing the jumpers between the two sets of posts on the woofer module. I called Von S and he said that he was going to rewrite the manual for better clarity so yours may be different and I was told to leave the jumper in place when biwiring direct from amp to mid/tweeter, and from amp to lowest posts on the woofer module. This sounds great to me. Do you have good reason to remove the jumpers?
Gammajo, I use Transparent cable that I purchased for abt USD400. You can check the price from Otherwise just goggle Transparent cable. I didnt try other jumpers so cant comment on the difference. Ozzy, Blindjim, I connected 1 terminal of the speaker cable to the lower post and 1 to the upper post of the bass unit as well. Are you saying u dont need the jumper cables at all to connect the other 2 binding post of the bass unit? well I have not tried it. Will check it out when I back fr holiday in a few days. Happy listening
I believe the only purpose for the extra set of spades and the jumper plate is for when you simply want to connect a single cable (not biwire) to the speakers.
In that case, from your Amp connect a single run cable to the bottom spades put the jumper plate in place and then use the supplied Von Schweilkert cord to connect the top unit to the bottom unit.
You also could connect a single wire from your Amp to the spk bottom spades , use the jumper plate and then connect another short wire from the top bottom spades of the lower module to the upper module spk inputs. (not using the Von Schweikert supplied cord).

Confusing ?? Not really went you try it.
Blindjim, Yes I recieved the Mk 11. They visually look really nice. Cant wait to listen to them.

Instructions are vague on all the cones, spikes, allen wrench screws pads etc.

I must mention also that Von Schweikert customer service thus far has been terrible !! E---
Rarely, does someone answer the phone, or messages are not able to be left and if you manage to be able to leave a message no one calls you back !
I talked to VS JR once, and he promised a return call, never happened!
Such a nice looking product , such lousy Customer service!

I remember Melos Audio was like that, and they soon went out of Buisness, Von Schweikert better listen up !

Perhaps, I should start another thread on usAudiogon members Customer service experience with VS.
I just sent a copy of my last posting to Von Schweikert about there crappy Customer service.
Wonder if they will reply to my email?