Douglas_schroeder thanks. You are both forthcoming and perceptive.
I asked those questions primarily because I felt ambiguous or grandiose statements about company revenues can be and are misleading. if taken superficially, without some measure of depth, the numbers are simply self-effacing and tenuous. Not being a 'public' company, and with no visible ledger for factual determination, numbers such as those hold near no value without being reproved.
Perhaps a zero was misplaced. Perhaps two. My consternation with unsupported allegations such as those, in light of the current stress being felt by both VSA and it's consumer base, don't truly support each other. Nor would they support the need for such wide and sweeping changes as seems the current "online only" retail scheme.
Confidence, unlike profits, is immeasureable. I see more at stake here for VSA than streamlining for efficiency and profit margins.
I, for one, enjoy the product performance VSA engenders to items it offers. Until recently both the quality level and price to performance ratio have been a true winner in several spots across the line ups array. Recent escalation of product pricing and de-escalation of tangible consumer services seem at odds. Add to that the removal of hands or ears on access to the buying public and the resultant mix is a very bold move if production capacity is stilll true to form and one which is less inspirational in total.
I truly wish VSA a very long and prosperous turn around as albert is surely a resource for true genius and implementation of design architecture in loudspeaker evolution. Add to that the very nature of competition which promotes for the buyer a better set of choices and it would be a very sad day to see such a star extinguished by its own hand or some other perceptual lack.