Upgrade entire system, speakers first

I want to upgrade everything but thought I would start with speakers. Room is about 10 x 12 ft. Current system is Arcam alpha 8 integrated, Arcam CD and PSB bookshelf speakers on stands. Listen to mostly jazz and chamber music but would like to be able to listen to orchestral pieces as well. Budget for new system will be around $10K, thinking SS integrated, CD and speakers, new, not used. I would like to start with speakers now, maybe $4K and upgrade components 6 to 12 months later (cash flow!). Any suggestions for speakers appropriate to my small room would be appreciated (with comments on components to match in the future).
Artch, thanks for the additional information.

Okay this is going to sound completely nuts, but...

I suggest you completely re-think your projected dollar allocation, and hold out for a pair of used Wilson Sophias. That's an excellent speaker, and Wilson Sophias driven by three grand of integrated amp & CD player will outperform just about any four grand speakers driven by six grand of electronics. I say this as a builder & seller of four grand speakers.

Once upon a time, years ago, I sold virtually everything I had to buy a fourteen thousand dollar pair of electrostats. I drove them with a $350 amplifier. Yes it was mismatched, but it was the best sound I had ever heard in any stereo system up until that time. Of course things improved when I bought more expensive amps, but if I had $14,350 and no more to spend on speakers + amp I'd go back to that combination (okay the prices have changed since then, but I think you get my drift).

I know a recording engineer who used Watt-Puppy 5.1's driven by a $600 amp, and he produced some excellent jazz recordings.

Best of luck to you!

Sophias in a 10X12 room? Great speakers but wow that is a tight space isnt it?
Four of the more popular recommendations that may work well in your room are Spendor, Harbeth, Audio Note and Jean-Marie Renaud. All make smallish speakers that work well in smaller rooms, are very highly regarded and seem to have decent international distribution.
I second Duke. What he says is not nuts at all!

You can find many fine integrated amps for $600 that sound very much like many a $6000 amp (only lacking power or some features).....but you will generally find a marked improvement in speakers up to around $4000. Above $4000 speakers start to become a diminishing return (mainly improvements in dynamics, SPL handling and bass extension.)