Upgrade entire system, speakers first

I want to upgrade everything but thought I would start with speakers. Room is about 10 x 12 ft. Current system is Arcam alpha 8 integrated, Arcam CD and PSB bookshelf speakers on stands. Listen to mostly jazz and chamber music but would like to be able to listen to orchestral pieces as well. Budget for new system will be around $10K, thinking SS integrated, CD and speakers, new, not used. I would like to start with speakers now, maybe $4K and upgrade components 6 to 12 months later (cash flow!). Any suggestions for speakers appropriate to my small room would be appreciated (with comments on components to match in the future).
Thank you everyone for all the responses to my first post on audiogon. I think the Sophias are just too large for my room but my approach now may be to "blow the budget" on speakers at this time and then upgrade electronics at some point later. I was already planning to audition the Jean-Marie Renaud and also the JM Lab. The electra 1007 Be sounds interesting - anyone have any experience? I will certainly audition the other brands as well.
Artch be very carful in buying speakers because they are the hardest to move if you don't like them or want to change down the road. The Sophias you can't go wrong with as long as they work in your room size hum?

Do you have any dealers that you can go to and listen to the JM-Labs I mentioned? If you liked the Sophias but better mid and top end, you will be impressed with these and they will work in your room size. Make sure when you listen to them that they are in a room size simalar to yours and with good associated gear, ask them to switch different gear so you can hear the difference. The finish is top notch which is a bonus.

Jean-Marie what speakers? Just jokeing I know of them but don't go backwards. I sent off another thread prior to reading your reply and I don't know if this will proceed my other one sent or not.
Whatever speakers you ended up with, do not disregard room treatments as with that kind of room size I bet you would need them. To have the widest soundstage and having the speakers set up close to the side/rear walls, acoustical treatments are of huge importance and will substantially bring your system to a higher level.

With just so many speakers out there it just seem wise for you to judge for yourself which one do your prefer as everybody's listening preferences vary. I agree with the rest to build your system around your speakers since it is one of the most important component in one's system.

I've owned the Arcam Alpha 10 integrated amp about 8 years ago since it was first launched. Not the last word in transparency and dynamics ie. pretty flat throughout the spectrum range.
Ryder I agree room treatment is very important specially with the size of room that Artch has. You can make use of alot of things that we already have. Trees putting them in corners, they don't even have to be real but make sure they have alot of leaves. Rugs on the floor, soft hanging materials on the wall (first reflection is very important to deal with), canvis paintings but make sure to put obsorbant material behind the picture. You don't have to have a living space looking like a audio room.