Looking for a bookshelf at 2k or less.....

I tend to like speakers that can reveal a lot of high-frequency detail. The ACI sapphire IIILE's seem to hold back a bit too much for my tastes.

I just listened to the Focal 807V and was blown away...so much detail and open-ness. Anyone know how these compare (besides being cheaper) to the PSB Platinum M2 or the Pradigm S2?
Angaria, you and I think a like. I did not like the VR-1's in the time that I owned them. I was just plain bored as well.

I also did not like the PSB Stratus Minis that I had. I paid 550 bucks for them and I didn't think they were even worth that. I have not heard the rest of the PSB line, though.

My recommendation is the Revel M20. Have not heard the M22, so I can't comment on that. But I did own the Revel M20 twice and thought it was incredible both times.

For what it's worth, I've owned many paradigms and liked every one that I've had. I listened to the S2 at the dealer and is was so harsh and annoying that I couldn't stand it. I was bummed when I heard that.

I have not heard the Focal you speak of, but if it is like most other JM labs, I'm sure it sounds fantastic.
I , too , will have to agree with Angaria on the VS sound . I don't think that you will get the highs you are seeking .
Depending on your amp , the Reference 3a DeCapo i will provide those type of highs . They do favor tube amps and you would need one that does not roll off the highs . I would take these over the Paradigms that I have heard .
Used @ $1500 .
Good luck .
If I were you, *and* if you're not actually going to put these speakers on bookshelves, I would at least consider a used pair of Merlin TSMs. I'm not selling a used pair, by the way. Good luck.
Thanks everybody for their recommendations. You've all suggested some great speakers. Some of I've heard of and read about...and some I haven't.

After doing a lot of research and talking to folks, I've settled on a pair of Salks HT1's. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to demo these, but reading customer reviews and comparisons, talking to Jim Salks, and of course being seduced by how gosh darned pretty they looked, I made the plunge. I'll let you know all know my experience with them when I get them in.

Sounds like you made a great choice. Having the Aurum Cantus V3M's, whose ribbon tweeter is from the same family as the G2, my bet is that you will love the quick and lifelike sound that, at the same time, is not "in your face".

BTW, your spot on - the HT1's are sure one beeeyoooootiiiifulll set of speakers.
