Eggleston Andra 2 owners

I have read old threads about the Andra 2's refering to upgrading from the original Andra's but now are a few years old.

I am looking to hear from owners of Andra 2's and their associated gear set-ups. I replaced my Wilson WP 7's recently with these.

This is a second set-up for me and in a large area but must be "wife friendly"

I have other gear that I did hook up (McIntosh 501's and Arc Ref 3 pre and really liked the sound) but this set-up was not "wife friendly."

Right now I have hooked up Bel Canto Ref1000 mono blocks and Dac3, I just ordered the Pre3 because the Dac3 just isn't doing it for me acting as the pre. I want to see if there are any improvements to the point that I keep it.

I only have two sources, one cd player for serious listening and also a McIntosh 300 music server, both are hooked up via using digital connection (using Stealth Sextet cable AES cd player and RCA for 300 Music Server.)

I am also ordering a Bent Audio Tap Line Stage pre-amp. A friend who uses the Placette pre recommended it, suppose to be really good. The Moscode 401HR was also recommended to try, I have read some very interesting reviews. What is very interesting is that the 401HR being favoured over the Dodd 120's and also Bat SE 600 power amps. Both off these amps are highly respected, I have not heard either in my system. I want to listen to the Pre3 and Bent Tap set up for a while and then I'll get a Moscode to see what difference is, should be very interesting.

I really enjoy the Eggleston's and my goal is to mate them up with the proper gear to get the best out of them.
I do not own the Andras but do own the Fontaines. FWIW, I am extremely pleased with my setup driving the Fontaines: Opera Consonance Reference 2.2 (factory mod'ed) CDP; Mapletree Audio 2A SE Linetage (separate power supply with tube/HEXFRED hybrid rectification; 2x12SN7GT with switch for 6SN7GT tubes); and Van Alstine Fet-Valve Ultra 550 (hybrid; 250+wpc). Although I am not sure how "wife friendly" this is, mine doesn't seem to mind.
there certainly are alot of options for pushing the egglestons envelope. the one that i found most dramatic was also VERY expensive- transparent wire one-step below opus- (REF-MM).
i was able to save some money by their upgrade program. the day i hooked up my rowland preamp to my levinson amps with balanced REF-MM, the andras' bass went thru' the floor and the stage opened considerably. i didn't know the andra's could make THAT kind of bass until that day- i was totally amazed. after i saved up i later upgraded all my wires to that level- i just had too. but this is just one path you can take in squeezing truly world-class sound out of the andras. just don't tell anyone else that they don't have to spend $30-50k (or more) on loudspeakers to get a MUSICAL full range loudspeaker. BUT, you might end up experimenting with A-PLUS class "other stuff" to make them sing even more.
French fries, I also have Transparent Ref MM speaker cables, no interconnects. I am also using Virtual Dynamic Revelation Sig. have you ever tried their product? even more expensive than Transparent

How do have you speakers hooked-up? Are the cables you have bi-wired, (two separate runs, most don't do this because of the cost but it is the best way) or a jumpers?
Dev: Transparent isn't a big fan of bi-wiring (you have to go extreme with the bi-cable which in my opinion not worth the cost of the next version up in single wire..)so you can buy the transparent reference jumpers to add to your speaker cable (typically get banana to spade for the jumpers if your speaker cables are spades). Otherwise just try connecting your speaker cables to other set of binding posts to see if you notice a difference.

As far as the Bel Canto... I've found most of the Ice or Class D amps to be light in the bass with speakers like yours and Wilsons. 400+ watts was needed... Honestly you might be blown away with just a Theta Dreadnaught II with two of the 200watt cards. This is a very nice amplifier especially for the money with only 2 cards installed... Oh yeah great bass and works extremely well to complement your Transparent speaker cabling.