Wilson watt puppy 6 vs. Sophia?

I would appreciate any input on how the Wilson watt puppy 6's compare with the original sophia speakers. I am looking to upgrade from my very old KEF 105.4 speakers. Both of these would fall into the upper price range of speakers I'm considering.

FYI - I've only heard very early versions of the wilson speakers (perhaps the original watts/puppies and whamm's when I lived in columbus, OH), but I do recal being blown away. It's also clear from reading many of the discussions on this website that the Wilson speakers are considerably improved from the early versions that I listened to.

I sould mention I currently live in Alaska so that I'm somewhat limited in the equipment I can audition here.

I istened to the Watt Puppy 6 and the Sophia 2.
Both speakers seemed to have a lack of bass energy and a tilted upward hi end. The Puppy 6 more so than the Sophia 2.
The Watt/Puppy 8 bass sounded tunefull ,but at $20,000 more.
All looked great!
I owned the Sophia's for a short time and upgraded to the Watt/puppy System 7. I haven't heard the 6, but I guess the 7 was a big improvement. If you can afford a pair of 7's, I highly recommend them. Be prepared to have all of the shortcomings in your system revealed to you. Wilson's have a knack for doing that. They are highly resolving transducers.