Prima Luna Premium Pre or Conrad Johnson ET3 SE


I currently own a Conrad Johnson ET3 SE.

Would a Prima Luna Premium Preamp be an upgrade?

I am unfamiliar with Prima Luna.

Thanks for any input.
"04-12-15: Upscaleaudio
Zd542, if I upset you somehow, I'm sorry. On to the topic of the thread."

You don't owe me an apology. You owe yourself one.
"04-12-15: Abrew19
Meanwhile back at the ranch the original poster is no closer to getting valid comparison feedback like he asked for."


I currently own a Conrad Johnson ET3 SE.

Would a Prima Luna Premium Preamp be an upgrade?

I am unfamiliar with Prima Luna.

Thanks for any input.
Pkelly1504 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

The only way to find out for sure is to try the preamp in the OP's system next to his CJ. Aside from doing that, I don't see another alternative.